20 August 2012

"...You didn't create that..."

I have been seething for the past month or so since I heard President Obama utter those words at a factory with  union workers on one of his campaign stops. Another thing Mr. Obama, union workers were not the only ones that built this country, ordinary men and women did also.

WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK CREATED SMALL BUSINESS' MR. PRESIDENT??? Surely not you or your ancestors. Sure as hell was NOT the government. It was the small business owner who took a loan, albeit, a SBA (Small Business Administration) loan to get their business started, but the owners and workers of these small business' made these business' NOT YOU or the GOVERNMENT!!!

I was reading a book, "Images of America COLUMBUS ITALIANS", when I came across a picture of the DiPaolo Food Shoppe. This was a small Italian grocery store in my mother's neighborhood that opened in 1915, it was the local shop where one could buy their cheese, meats, and provisions. That small family owned and operated food store would become a very successful $75-million food distribution empire. YOU DID NOT CREATE IT MR. OBAMA, Mr. & Mrs. DiPaolo did!!!

Across America there are thousands more of these mom & pop operations that began with a little bit of money and a dream.  The government is slowly killing these business' by over taxing them, making them buy expensive insurance products that do not cover much in the way of medical care.

You Mr. Obama created a mess with your promises of "CHANGE" when you were elected in 2008, with your promises of lowering the debt, it is now in the trillions; lowering fuel prices (approx $1.85/gal in 2008, $3.85/gal now); pushing through a $500-billion energy bill that former President Bush did not approve because of the business (Solyndra) being a money pit; you cut Medicare (when our seniors can barely afford prescriptions) to pay for Medicade. The alumni at Columbia Law do not remember you ever attending class, let alone receiving your Juris Doctor: your wife lost her license to practice law for accepting a bribe. You both deserve to be deported from the White House, but before you go, write the American taxpayers a check for Mrs. Obama's extravagant clothes & vacations, the girls salaries which they did not earn. Turn in your U.S. passport, you gained it illegally (have to show a BIRTH CERTIFICATE to obtain one which you obviously did not). Forget about taking Secret Service protection with you when you leave the White House, you can deal with the fallout you caused.

One last thing, Mr. Obama quit criticizing Mr. Romney, while you were busy trying to figure out first grade math, Mr. Romney's father was marching in the streets to bring equality to all. Mr. Romney is not perfect, however he has faced many more challenges than you have in his life, he knows how to read a balance sheet, and believes in LESS GOVERNMENT not more.