07 September 2012

A Little Boy's Voice...

Many of us have been watching the candidates and their compatriots praise one another in regards to one thing or another. While I did watch one or two things in RNC and DNC, no one but I will be in the voting booth with me when I "pull the lever" so to speak.
One of the many things both candidates have been discussing (I use that term loosely) is the "Gay Marriage" issue. While my own personal opinion is "it is no one's business" whom I love or marry, this issue is a hot topic for both sides. I was raised that marriage is between two people who love one another, while my parents and my faith did not say it, the meant between a man and a woman. I am a heterosexual woman with many friends who are in the LGBT community.
While reading down the news feed on my Facebook account this morning I found this video of the son of one of my friends, he is seven years old, and adorable his is fearful that his "mommy's" are going to be taken away from him. He is articulate, and makes a good argument for each and every one of us to think about what "marriage and family" are about. Thank you for making the video, and for sharing it.
At seven, our children should not have to worry whether or not one parent is going to be taken away from them because of the way a politician thinks or feels. He should be thinking about school, or his favorite book, or what he did in school that day, not what a politician is saying on television. Our children have enough to worry about with teen pregnancy, anorexia, bulimia, drug use, and bullying being the major cause for teen suicide in our country.
Maybe it is time for each and every one of us to stop pointing fingers, stop meddling, and stop being so close minded about what others do. As Jesus asked the crowd, "Which one of you is clean enough to cast the first stone?" I for one am not. I do not judge, or wish to be judged because of how I think or feel.
