02 March 2013

50+ and Loving It!

Yes, I just stated my age! No I am not shamed to say it out loud. Yes, I belong to AARP (though I am not fond of their political agenda). Yes I use my discount when I can. I am happy, healthy, and loving my life. I have found many secrets to being happy at 50+.

Eating well: Yes, I know it costs two to three times more to buy fresh food than to buy the packages. We have become a country of "easy". I do have a couple bags of frozen veggies in my freezer, a couple jars of spaghetti sauce in my pantry, however I make mac & cheese, chicken noodle soup, stir fry, vegetable soup and many other things from scratch. Find a high fiber bread that you like, white bread is a killer (yes pb&j is always better on white). Today so much emphasis is put on low carb, high protein, no carb, etc. We as Americans have got to start eating well. That means five to seven servings of veggies and fruits a day, cut down on fried food, the prepared meals in a bag/box/carton. Bring your lunch to work, not only will you save time & energy you will have time to read a chapter, do the crossword, or maybe even find "me time" in your work day. Drink water, cut down on caffeine, cut down on soda and energy drinks (most are full of sugar and caffeine). Find easy recipes that you can do in a crock pot that are nutritious, and flavorful. I found that using sea salt has benefits, don't have to use much to get the flavor. 

Exercise/Play:  Most of us know that we have to stay in motion to keep going. Does this mean bulking up or hitting the gym 7 days a week? No it means taking time to go for a walk, stretching after work (10 minutes of gentle stretching relieves the stress of the day). Even dancing to some music as you clean up the kitchen after supper can be considered exercise. While I am NOT fond of game consoles in homes with young children (our children do not play outside like we did when we were kids), playing a game or two tennis, bowling, golf, or one of the dance games on a Wii, Play Station, or XBox can be challenging and fun, it also makes us stand up and move around. Find an activity you enjoy and do it, dance, walk, ride a bike, hike, wander a state park, it will keep you moving. 

Love: There are many types of love...Love of family, children, God, country, recipes, etc. However finding the "right" person to be with is most important. I was not seeking when love found me. It found me through a website, I answered a question he had posted on his profile. We began to talk, the more we talked, the more I liked. He said to me one night, "I am falling in love with you". It took me by surprise, and to be honest it shocked me a bit. Someone 'loved" me? WOW! It was a new concept, it took some getting use to, but it is the very best thing that has happened to me other than my children. He is kind, considerate, gentle, loving, opens my car door, he holds my hand, he whispers in my ear at the grocery store, and makes me giggle. And yes, I love him, deeply. 

Laughter:  "... I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner..." was said by Audrey Hepburn. She was right. I will be honest it took a good man to show me that laughter can cure anything. As I stated the love of my life makes me giggle, sometimes the giggles just turn to laughter. He counts the times a day he makes me smile, giggle, and laugh, what was a few times when we first met, has turned into at least 50 or more times a day. Laughter makes us young. 

Make Memories: Technology has made it simpler to take pictures, print & share them. I received a photo album for Christmas, every time my love and I do something fun (we toured St. Louis, out to supper at Schmidt's, walk in the park) we take pictures, print them, and put them in our photo album. Memories are meant to be shared so write a journal (notebook will do fine) of the times you want others to remember. It is especially important for us to do this with our parents & grandparents, their stories will live on as a testament of their lives. Take time to listen to what they are saying, write down the recipes, take pictures, and make memories. 

Last but not least, this quote says it all:

"Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt. 
Dance like nobody's watching."
-- Satchel Paige