16 April 2013

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

For those of us whom grew up Catholic this is a prayer we learned and recited daily in school. For others this is a prayer that you learned to say whether in uniform or needing a prayer that would sustain you in your daily battle whatever that may be.

Today, as a country we need to begin praying this prayer daily. We as a country we are under attack from all sides. Whether it be Al-Qaeda, our leaders whom see fit to remove our Constitutional rights, our unborn whom cannot defend themselves, educators whom fail to teach the true curriculum of American History, and Hollywood actors whom have forgotten that the American public pays them when they attend a movie.

We the people of America, need to band together, pray together, and remember that when we “indivisible” we not only make our enemies angry, and as Charlie Daniels once sang, 

This lady may have stumbled, but she ain't ever fell. And if our enemies don't believe that, they can all go straight to hell. We're gonna put her feet back on righteousness and then, God bless America again.” 

So stand together with your family, co-workers, friends, and pray for those hurt yesterday in Boston, but most of all, PRAY FOR AMERICA, our way of life, our liberty, our service men & women, firefighters, police officers, our leaders, and our flag that it may always wave over us.

14 April 2013

Twitter & #HashTags

Technology has made all of us more social. We have MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs where we discuss everything from A to Z. While I have a blog I don’t always regularly contribute to, I do write one from time to time on the things that are important to me.

I am a new user to Twitter. While it took me a bit to get started, I do tweet daily, sometimes just to repost things I think others should see, other times just to say hello, and put up a daily pic I think others will enjoy. Some of the hash tags lately have been a bit controversial (#Gosnell, #LiberalsGrewUpWatching, #Impeach, #2ndAmend, #Benghazi, #Nobama just to name a few). However it is the younger generation that blows me out of the water each & every time that someone tweets something about President Obama, or his administration; while I do NOT agree with his political agenda nor his choices of cabinet members (mostly radical, liberal, communist players from the 60’s & 70’s) whom at one time or another saw the inside of a holding tank because of their actions. While I do know everyone makes mistakes, and is entitled to clear their name, these folks just kept doing what they were doing.

One of my tweets from this week was: #LiberalsGrewUpWatching “The Jefferson’s” Making them assume they’re entitled to everything without working for anything.” One of the young, tweeters responded to me with the following:  “…while #Conservatives complained about minorities moving on up” and “So now liberals don’t work? Not this whole 52% thing again…” This young man has much to learn about our past as a nation, and where we are headed. By the way, I didn't say every Liberal I just made a statement about what I see daily. I expressed my opinion, which I will assume he did not like because I am a white woman, whom is educated and knows how to read a spread sheet. Also maybe he is NOT familiar with “The Constitution” not the ship in Boston harbor, but the living, breathing document that keeps all of us “free”. Too many history teachers do NOT teach anything about the constitution other than what date it was put in place. This is the most important document other than the “Declaration of Independence” that we have as AMERICAN’s.

We are living in a country of children whom do not know what “work” is. When I state this I do not mean all children. There are many high school students working to support themselves or saving for college. There are also many parents out there whom believe that “working” never hurt a chld. I am one of those parents. My children work, and work hard for what they have. They grew up having chores, which by the way did NOT kill them. We give our children the technology but have we taught them to be responsible with it? While I am happy to see that there are many young people on twitter using it to voice their opinions, I truly wish they would look at the facts before they embarrass themselves for the world to see.

I do my very best to check things out before I post them to my Twitter page. I do a lot of reading & research before I tweet, thus only about 3500 tweets from me, many are re-tweets. While many might not like what I have to say, I have the right to say it. It is a guaranteed freedom under the First Amendment of The Constitution.