14 July 2013

George Zimmerman Trial & Verdict

We have a system in this country that allows men and women to be tried and convicted by a jury of their own peers. In my opinion the state rushed to trial (as they did in the Casey Anthony case) without doing all of their homework. We as citizen's have to trust in the officials we elect into office (State Attorney General is an elected office) that they will do their jobs. In the state of FL I would have to say that they need to do more groundwork before going to trial at the cost of the taxpayers. 

The defense attorney's did their job by defending their client, that is their job, they took apart the state's case piece by piece and made their case that Mr. Zimmerman was afraid of Mr. Martin, thus justified and in self defense.

To the people whom think "The Gun Nuts" have won, we didn't win. This is another case of someone who shouldn't be allowed a "Concealed Carry" permit, or in my opinion a gun permit at all. The Second Amendment is for the people's protection, if you look at history where a government took away the people's right to bear arms, those countries became dictatoships or communist. Or in the case of Adollph Hitler a country that killed over six million because of their race. 

In the end there are NO winners, a young man is dead; another man has a death on his conscience.