28 August 2013

"I Have A Dream..."

Fifty years ago today Martin Luther King Jr., marched in Washington D.C. and gave one of the most epic speeches ever given in the nations capital. Like John F. Kennedy's innagural address to the nation it is one of the most quoted speeches in this country. To be very honest I never heard or read the entire speech until I was in college, while I did know whom Dr. King was, I did not realize the impact his words had on this nation. Have we learned anything since Dr. Martin marched in Washington? I would truly love to think we have learned lessons from the turbulent 1960's.

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the march on Washing ton D.C. I am posting Dr. King's speech::  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyR8h9iimw4

The Harmony Project has put together a wonderful four-minute video of the speech. It is truly wonderful, and I am happy to share it with all of you:


On this day, let all of us stand together, and remember that while on the outside each of us looks different on the inside we are all the same; muscle, heart, liver, spleen, stomach, blood, and brain. God made each of us in His own likeness, maybe it is time for all of us to remember this. 

25 August 2013

Recent Deaths....

The first murder that I heard about was Christopher Lane, an Australian honor student whom was out training as was his daily regimen. He was gunned down on a city street, strangers, Samaritans like the man in the bible whom took care of the man whom was beaten in the bible, came to this young man's aid and tried valiantly to save his life. The second story I read was about Delbert Belton, an 88 year-old veteran. That is right, 88 years old, he made it through WWII, came home, made a living, had a family, retired, and was out waiting for a friend to show up so they could go bowling. The man whom would most likely given the hoodlums whatever they wanted beat and robbed him, left him to doe in a parking lot. This man by all accounts was minding his own business. 

While reading some of the news accounts in the Christopher Lane case I was sickened by one young man's twitter feed stating he wanted to take lives. In the case of Delbert Belton the suspect whom was arrested is "not talking" and his accomplice is 16 years old and being hunted like a dog with rabies. For Spokane, this incident is raising concern as it should. 

Now some questions for the parents of the parent(s): Where did your son learn such disregard for life? Where did he obtain a gun? Are you still in denial he did this? Do you honestly think he will be granted leniency because of his age? We teach our children every day, by what we voice, what we do, how we treat others. It is obvious that this young man killed not only because he was "bored" but because he deemed it was his "right". Now he will lose all of his rights when he becomes part of the prison population. 

Some other thoughts....Since the State of FL vs. George Zimmerman trial and verdict there have been a few more deaths that have made the news as of late however no one has come out to protest these killings. My question is why? Is the person whom was killed less valuable than Mr. Martin? Or is it because the color of their skin is NOT the same as Mr. Martin's? I ask this because it seems that every time a white person murders a black person the "race" card seems to be brought up by Rev. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or the President, or community leaders whom cannot see that there is a problem in their own communities, my own included where in the last three days there have been six shootings, and three deaths. Does it stem from illegal drug use, or something more deprived? 

I do not have the answers, all I know is that on Wednesday this nation will celebrate one of the most epic speeches ever given by human being. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. begged all of us to live in peace, to accept one another, to walk hand in hand with one another. Maybe it is time we begin to stop seeing color, and begin seeing each other as people.

