21 March 2014

Dear Dad...

Dear Dad,
Happy Birthday Dad!!! 

I know you were never one for big celebrations, but I do hope you are celebrating your 90th with mom, your brothers, your best friends, and the rest of our family. I hope that you are well, and tending to an organic garden in heaven. 

You have missed a few things since you have been gone: One of the best is your grandchildren, Thomas, Stephen, Matthew, and Sarah. While I know you had tea with Sarah when she was younger, I don't know if you have ever touched the boys in the same way. I do know that Thomas, Matthew, and Sarah all enjoy the outdoors that includes fishing & hunting. Matthew wears your fishing hat whenever he can. Ralph has been married for 27 years to Mary Ellen, they have a good marriage, you & mom taught him well. As for me I married a Marine, it was a tough life, but I did my very best to make it work. I found a great Navy man, or rather he found me, I am sure you and he would have gotten along very well. Uncle Bill, Aunt Norma's husband likes him. 

The world has changed dad, we don't live in the America you fought so hard for. We live in a country that makes it hard for a "patriot" to live. You taught me to love our flag, our country, our way of life. I always remember the time I was trying to remove an American flag decal on our station wagon, I said "I wish this flag would go away," you scolded me saying, "Don't ever let me hear you say that again, that flag is the flag of this country, men died to protect that freedom". I NEVER forgot that dad, when I traveled abroad I was always comforted knowing I lived in a great country where I was free to travel wherever I wanted.

I miss you dad, you were taken so fast, and so young; 63 is young these days when folks are living well into their 90's. If God could grant me one wish it would be to have supper with you & mom. I would want to hold your hands, tell you "I love you" one more time. 

Well dad, I am going to end this for now. Again, Happy 90th Birthday!!! Celebrate it in style, if you have the chance, send your grandchildren a sign from heaven. I LOVE YOU DAD!!!

XO, flavia