01 June 2014


In 1985 Richard Pryor made a movie called “Brewster’s Millions”. While many may not remember this movie or all of its cast of colorful characters, there is one part of the movie I always remember. Brewster, played by Pryor, suddenly within 10 days of the election jumps into the fray, not to be elected himself but to urge voters to vote for, “None of the Above” (here is the movie clip via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXEglx-or6k). Pryor reminds each and every one of us that our most important role as American’s is to VOTE. On every ballot there is a small area to “WRITE IN” a candidate. Maybe it is time we began a campaign of “None of the Above”. Maybe it is time to show our government which is out of control, whom actually holds all of the power. It is also time to dismantle the “Electoral College” which does NOT have the public’s best interest in mind.

All I am saying is it is time everyone to start telling our politicians the “None of the Above” can and will be a candidate if things do not change in Washington (or your local town, city, or state). I want what is the very best for this country and obviously it isn't in place at the moment. Ask yourself and your representative the following questions: 

  • “Are you representing what I want?”
  • “Are you spending my tax dollars wisely?”
  • “Are you giving Active Duty Service Members the help they need?”
  • “Are you giving our & Veteran’s the help they need(i.e.: VA Benefits, Timely Appointments)?”
  • “Do our Armed Service Members have everything they need in the field?”
  • “Do you really need catered lunch everyday?
  • “Do you really need two homes?”
  • “Do you really need an office staff of 50 to 100 people?”

If your representative, hems, haws, or just passes on these questions than you need to find someone else to represent you, your family, & your friends.

To the people whom will be cleaning out their offices after the elections please do the following on the way out the door:

  • Remove all “Golden Parachutes” for you will be “free falling” to your home without the help of the taxpayers you stole from;
  • Write a check payable to the “American People” for all of the money you have stolen [this number should be a three digit number followed by six zeroes, a period, and two zeroes (it should resemble this: $XXX,000,000.00)]. YES I said “stolen” through legislated graft.
  • Remove all of your cronies from the Capitol Building and take them back to wherever they belong;
  • DO NOT blame anyone but yourself for what is happening to you.

Remember get out and vote.