14 September 2014

Thoughts About 9/11

Thirteen years ago we, the American people were ambushed. Our world screeched to a halt on a beautiful September morning. But have we truly learned anything from this tragedy? I would have to agree with this picture, and say, "NO WE HAVE NOT"!

The NSA (National Security Administration) will track anyone and every ones emails, Facebook posts, Tweets if they contain certain phrases: Second Amendment, Impeach, Minuteman, #2A, Constitution, Tea Party, etc. But they haven't got a clue how to track millions of illegal aliens whom enter this country illegally, or the entry and/or exit of foreign nationals visiting, on work visas, or on student visas, which by the way many have expired, yet they cannot seem to find them to DEPORT them. 

Think about this: If I were to write a bad check, not pay for it, I would see a sheriff at my door as soon as you can say, "No way". However, we have thousands of illegal aliens whom commit crimes in this country, some are never caught because the make a beeline for the border, and some are tried, convicted, and imprisoned (which by the way, they have it better than MOST senior citizens...they get three meals a day, shower every other day, free medical attention & medication, cable television, and are babysat 24/7/365. Albeit the comforts of home they do not have, however they have it better!), which when released are deported only to cross back into this country to commit the very same crimes or other more horrific crimes against American citizens. 

Do I think we should secure our borders? Damn Skippy I do. I think we should do as every other country on this earth does, have our military join with our Border Patrol to secure our borders. I also think that we need to use whatever means necessary to keep illegals from crossing into our country. Mine field would work just fine. If you think this is extreme, there is a one mile section between the border of North & South Korea, it is told that a farmers cow wandered onto this section of land, there was NOTHING left of the cow after both border patrols opened fire on the cow, who was doing nothing but grazing. The U.S. is the ONLY country where if you are an illegal alien you get food stamps, housing, jobs, medical treatment; yet we have homeless veterans living on the streets, without jobs, without proper housing or medical treatment. I am very sure many of these veterans would look at this as a hand up not a hand out!

I pray daily for those whom lost their lives that day, the survivors whom live with the guilt, our country which needs to REMEMBER this day, which was one of the worst days in our history, but yet it was one of our best. We came together, we held hands, we prayed, and we flew our flags proudly. GOD BLESS AMERICA, and those that defend her. 

Finally I leave you with this, for you to ponder: