07 May 2023

Some Thoughts About the Coronation of King Charles III

 These thoughts are my own. I and I alone make up my mind of how I choose to use my “Freedom of Speech” assured to my by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Blame me and me alone for the words, wording, and thoughts shared here. 

I wish nothing but good things for King Charles III. I pray he fulfills his duties as King with the same sense of duty his mother, Queen Elizabeth II did in her lifetime.

I want to address the absence of Prince Harry on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth never treated any of her children, with the exception of Prince Andrew (which is a whole other subject I will not address here) with the contempt that the Royal family has treated Prince Harry. Yes, I know he has given up his royal duties but that does not make him any less a member of the family. His choice to live a simpler, less public life with his wife, Meghan and children away from the fishbowl of press and paparazzi. He walked away from “Public Life” not his family. 

Camilla is the Queen Consort. She is NOT, nor will EVER be a Queen even though she was anointed “Queen”. While we, John Q. Public, will never know what truly was discussed between Queen Elizabeth and the Royal Family in regard to this subject. King Charles has forced the world to accept Camilla as his choice in life partner. He married Princess Diana, fully knowing he would never be truly invested in his marriage. This along, with Charles blatant disregard for the British Empire, has made both of them persona non grata in my book. 

The beauty, the pomp and circumstance of the Coronation will be something I remember for the rest of my life. The music, the readings, the gospel were truly chosen well. The Archbishop of Canterbury’s homily was so very fitting. In his homily he stated that, “…we are called to serve, we are all called to serve…”. Being a King comes with many perks, however being a King who will serve his people without those perks is something not many of us can imagine. Queen Elizabeth II was an excellent mother, grandmother and teacher all while being the head . She taught all of us how to remain calm in rough situations, in happiness, sadness and tragedy.  


God save the King.