14 September 2014

Thoughts About 9/11

Thirteen years ago we, the American people were ambushed. Our world screeched to a halt on a beautiful September morning. But have we truly learned anything from this tragedy? I would have to agree with this picture, and say, "NO WE HAVE NOT"!

The NSA (National Security Administration) will track anyone and every ones emails, Facebook posts, Tweets if they contain certain phrases: Second Amendment, Impeach, Minuteman, #2A, Constitution, Tea Party, etc. But they haven't got a clue how to track millions of illegal aliens whom enter this country illegally, or the entry and/or exit of foreign nationals visiting, on work visas, or on student visas, which by the way many have expired, yet they cannot seem to find them to DEPORT them. 

Think about this: If I were to write a bad check, not pay for it, I would see a sheriff at my door as soon as you can say, "No way". However, we have thousands of illegal aliens whom commit crimes in this country, some are never caught because the make a beeline for the border, and some are tried, convicted, and imprisoned (which by the way, they have it better than MOST senior citizens...they get three meals a day, shower every other day, free medical attention & medication, cable television, and are babysat 24/7/365. Albeit the comforts of home they do not have, however they have it better!), which when released are deported only to cross back into this country to commit the very same crimes or other more horrific crimes against American citizens. 

Do I think we should secure our borders? Damn Skippy I do. I think we should do as every other country on this earth does, have our military join with our Border Patrol to secure our borders. I also think that we need to use whatever means necessary to keep illegals from crossing into our country. Mine field would work just fine. If you think this is extreme, there is a one mile section between the border of North & South Korea, it is told that a farmers cow wandered onto this section of land, there was NOTHING left of the cow after both border patrols opened fire on the cow, who was doing nothing but grazing. The U.S. is the ONLY country where if you are an illegal alien you get food stamps, housing, jobs, medical treatment; yet we have homeless veterans living on the streets, without jobs, without proper housing or medical treatment. I am very sure many of these veterans would look at this as a hand up not a hand out!

I pray daily for those whom lost their lives that day, the survivors whom live with the guilt, our country which needs to REMEMBER this day, which was one of the worst days in our history, but yet it was one of our best. We came together, we held hands, we prayed, and we flew our flags proudly. GOD BLESS AMERICA, and those that defend her. 

Finally I leave you with this, for you to ponder:

01 June 2014


In 1985 Richard Pryor made a movie called “Brewster’s Millions”. While many may not remember this movie or all of its cast of colorful characters, there is one part of the movie I always remember. Brewster, played by Pryor, suddenly within 10 days of the election jumps into the fray, not to be elected himself but to urge voters to vote for, “None of the Above” (here is the movie clip via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXEglx-or6k). Pryor reminds each and every one of us that our most important role as American’s is to VOTE. On every ballot there is a small area to “WRITE IN” a candidate. Maybe it is time we began a campaign of “None of the Above”. Maybe it is time to show our government which is out of control, whom actually holds all of the power. It is also time to dismantle the “Electoral College” which does NOT have the public’s best interest in mind.

All I am saying is it is time everyone to start telling our politicians the “None of the Above” can and will be a candidate if things do not change in Washington (or your local town, city, or state). I want what is the very best for this country and obviously it isn't in place at the moment. Ask yourself and your representative the following questions: 

  • “Are you representing what I want?”
  • “Are you spending my tax dollars wisely?”
  • “Are you giving Active Duty Service Members the help they need?”
  • “Are you giving our & Veteran’s the help they need(i.e.: VA Benefits, Timely Appointments)?”
  • “Do our Armed Service Members have everything they need in the field?”
  • “Do you really need catered lunch everyday?
  • “Do you really need two homes?”
  • “Do you really need an office staff of 50 to 100 people?”

If your representative, hems, haws, or just passes on these questions than you need to find someone else to represent you, your family, & your friends.

To the people whom will be cleaning out their offices after the elections please do the following on the way out the door:

  • Remove all “Golden Parachutes” for you will be “free falling” to your home without the help of the taxpayers you stole from;
  • Write a check payable to the “American People” for all of the money you have stolen [this number should be a three digit number followed by six zeroes, a period, and two zeroes (it should resemble this: $XXX,000,000.00)]. YES I said “stolen” through legislated graft.
  • Remove all of your cronies from the Capitol Building and take them back to wherever they belong;
  • DO NOT blame anyone but yourself for what is happening to you.

Remember get out and vote. 

16 May 2014


Before I begin my rant I need to wish all the very best to Michael Sam in his career.

To the younger generation that may be reading this: I AM OLD FASHIONED. PERIOD. I am NOT or NEVER been homophobic or anything even close to it. I feel that what you do behind closed doors is your business, NOT mine. 

WHY is it that we ignore our Christian ball players, Tim Tebow for instance but laud & praise gay ball players? To be honest I would rather read ten articles about Christian players to one of them containing a players lifestyle. WHY is it I NEVER hear about either of the Manning brothers, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, in the news unless it is about what they are doing on the field? I could be very wrong but maybe it is because they know how to keep their private life PRIVATE!!!! 

I am writing this as I watch ESPN Sport Center, listening for the sports news of the day. I hear that Oprah & Michael Sam agreed to do a "documentary" about him, however he left out on big thing in the equation, the St. Louis Rams football management & team. Making the transition from college to professional will NOT be a cakewalk for any player drafted, however it will make it one hundred or even a thousand times harder with cameras following you around inside and outside of the locker room. Mr. Sam, never once did you contact Ram's management or take into account your fellow players feelings about being in this "documentary". A locker room is NO place for a camera, period; unless it is after a game and there is someone asking questions.  

Let's face some very black and white facts: the openly "GAY" ceiling was broke by two women over 35 years ago, one was Billie Jean King, the other Martina Navratilova. These two women had it much rougher than ANY player, "coming out" today. Get with the program men, do the job your paid to do with honor and integrity. Keep your bedroom out of the picture. That goes for straight players as well, why am I reading about your sex life all over the internet? Are you that small of a man inside you must make your bedroom prowess known? Or make your partner feel less than human when she is humiliated by you online or in the press?

Another thing WHY didn't ESPN or the mainstream media go manic over Philadelphia Eagles pic 6'9". U.S. Military Academy Graduate, Army Ranger & Bronze Star recipient Alejandro Villanueva*? My guess was because anyone wearing a military uniform, or being a patriot is OFF LIMITS. This is HUGE news for the Eagles whom are really lacking in the defense department. My hope is that every Sunday from week one to the Super Bowl this man's name is on their tongues. The media needs to cover every pick or no picks at all. We cannot chose what to report.

BTW, None of you are my heroes, my heroes wear DOG TAGS & CAMO!!!!!

*  Read more about Philadelphia Eagles pick Alejandro Villanueva here: http://allenbwest.com/2014/05/sams-kiss-brave-villanuevas-bronze-star-now-thats-brave/

11 May 2014

My Thoughts On the NFL Draft

First let me say this before I get feedback from my everyone, I am a rabid football fan. I am a die hard Washington Redskins fan. While I follow the Raiders and the Packers, I will ALWAYS wear the team colors of the Redskins. And while we are at it, DON'T even think about changing the name of my beloved team. While the term may be derogative to those whom think they can buy anything they choose by paying off politicians (are you listening Mr. Halbritter, of the Oneida Indian Nation), it is a team name, just like the Chiefs. They have been in use for over 50 years.

The past few days I have been watching the NFL draft. While I am overjoyed that Jadeveon Clowney was the first draft pick, that the Cowboys did NOT pick Johnny Manziel and that it took 21 other picks before he was drafted by the Clowns, ooops the Browns. Hey Browns fans, you have to admit you did NOT need another QB, especially an attention grabbing cry baby like Manziel. A much better choice would have been A. J. McCarron whom is a hard working, very quiet, and Peyton Manning like player (whom was picked up by the Bengals). I keep wondering what in the hell some of these teams were thinking when picking their choices. Do they go into to the draft room thinking, "Hmmmm, do we want someone whom will get us the Lombardi Trophy, or someone whom will keep our team name in the spotlight," (my guess it is 20% the first part and 80% the second) because let's face it folks, some of the young men whom were chosen will become just that. Police blotter news for all to see. 

Yes, I know that owners want the seats filled. Hey owners, I have an idea for you, LOWER ticket prices. On average a family of four cannot afford to see a game live because it would cost them on average about the same a a monthly mortgage payment. Maybe we need to go back to the time of Hallas, when he would take one day a month and make his players clean the stadium, while the stadium workers had a cookout with Hallas; when asked by one of his players why, Hallas replied, "...because many of these people depend on you to send their children to school and on to college...". Or maybe we need to have teams like the Packers which are owned by the people of Green Bay, and tickets are a legacy, handed down from one generation to another. 

All in all, I was surprised by some of the picks, and downright floored by others. Have a GREAT football season fans, spring practice begins in about a month. 


21 March 2014

Dear Dad...

Dear Dad,
Happy Birthday Dad!!! 

I know you were never one for big celebrations, but I do hope you are celebrating your 90th with mom, your brothers, your best friends, and the rest of our family. I hope that you are well, and tending to an organic garden in heaven. 

You have missed a few things since you have been gone: One of the best is your grandchildren, Thomas, Stephen, Matthew, and Sarah. While I know you had tea with Sarah when she was younger, I don't know if you have ever touched the boys in the same way. I do know that Thomas, Matthew, and Sarah all enjoy the outdoors that includes fishing & hunting. Matthew wears your fishing hat whenever he can. Ralph has been married for 27 years to Mary Ellen, they have a good marriage, you & mom taught him well. As for me I married a Marine, it was a tough life, but I did my very best to make it work. I found a great Navy man, or rather he found me, I am sure you and he would have gotten along very well. Uncle Bill, Aunt Norma's husband likes him. 

The world has changed dad, we don't live in the America you fought so hard for. We live in a country that makes it hard for a "patriot" to live. You taught me to love our flag, our country, our way of life. I always remember the time I was trying to remove an American flag decal on our station wagon, I said "I wish this flag would go away," you scolded me saying, "Don't ever let me hear you say that again, that flag is the flag of this country, men died to protect that freedom". I NEVER forgot that dad, when I traveled abroad I was always comforted knowing I lived in a great country where I was free to travel wherever I wanted.

I miss you dad, you were taken so fast, and so young; 63 is young these days when folks are living well into their 90's. If God could grant me one wish it would be to have supper with you & mom. I would want to hold your hands, tell you "I love you" one more time. 

Well dad, I am going to end this for now. Again, Happy 90th Birthday!!! Celebrate it in style, if you have the chance, send your grandchildren a sign from heaven. I LOVE YOU DAD!!!

XO, flavia