11 May 2014

My Thoughts On the NFL Draft

First let me say this before I get feedback from my everyone, I am a rabid football fan. I am a die hard Washington Redskins fan. While I follow the Raiders and the Packers, I will ALWAYS wear the team colors of the Redskins. And while we are at it, DON'T even think about changing the name of my beloved team. While the term may be derogative to those whom think they can buy anything they choose by paying off politicians (are you listening Mr. Halbritter, of the Oneida Indian Nation), it is a team name, just like the Chiefs. They have been in use for over 50 years.

The past few days I have been watching the NFL draft. While I am overjoyed that Jadeveon Clowney was the first draft pick, that the Cowboys did NOT pick Johnny Manziel and that it took 21 other picks before he was drafted by the Clowns, ooops the Browns. Hey Browns fans, you have to admit you did NOT need another QB, especially an attention grabbing cry baby like Manziel. A much better choice would have been A. J. McCarron whom is a hard working, very quiet, and Peyton Manning like player (whom was picked up by the Bengals). I keep wondering what in the hell some of these teams were thinking when picking their choices. Do they go into to the draft room thinking, "Hmmmm, do we want someone whom will get us the Lombardi Trophy, or someone whom will keep our team name in the spotlight," (my guess it is 20% the first part and 80% the second) because let's face it folks, some of the young men whom were chosen will become just that. Police blotter news for all to see. 

Yes, I know that owners want the seats filled. Hey owners, I have an idea for you, LOWER ticket prices. On average a family of four cannot afford to see a game live because it would cost them on average about the same a a monthly mortgage payment. Maybe we need to go back to the time of Hallas, when he would take one day a month and make his players clean the stadium, while the stadium workers had a cookout with Hallas; when asked by one of his players why, Hallas replied, "...because many of these people depend on you to send their children to school and on to college...". Or maybe we need to have teams like the Packers which are owned by the people of Green Bay, and tickets are a legacy, handed down from one generation to another. 

All in all, I was surprised by some of the picks, and downright floored by others. Have a GREAT football season fans, spring practice begins in about a month. 


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