14 July 2015


In the past two months I have changed my address twice. No I did not stutter or make a mistake I did say twice. The first time was when we moved from a place that is better known as, “HELL” to a place filled with quiet while we took care of our friends pets while they were away. It gave both my fiancĂ© and I time we needed to recompose ourselves into human beings whom do not snap at one another and find God again in our lives.

When I was young I watched, “The Andy Griffith Show” which took place in a small town called, “Mayberry RFD”. I never thought much about it when I was young other than Opie’s life was much like any other child’s life in America. He went to school, did chores, did his homework, went fishing, had friends, rode a bike, and on occasion got into trouble. His dad was the very first single dad on television, a very rare thing in the 1960’s.

As I grew up, I loved living in the suburbs of a mid-sized city, grocery stores, the mall, a bus line, within a few blocks or a few minutes ride in a car. It was when I got married, moved to rural NC, that I found myself wanting more country and less city. While the city is great for some, for me it is a place to visit from time to time, to have a nice supper or to go to “Trader Joe’s”, “Bed, Bath & Beyond”, or “Macy’s”, for me it is too busy, too congested, and just too much for this city raised country girl to handle.

After two moves, and a few complaints from my family whom live about a 30-minute drive from us in the city, we found our “Mayberry” in a small town in Mid-Ohio. According to the “Best Cities to Live in America” it ranks about #126 or so. We leave our doors open all day long, from morning until night, most nights it is way after midnight when we finally close them. It is GREAT to feel the breeze moving through the house, granted it brings in a little dust but the fresh air is wonderful! The noisiest thing we hear daily is the train, when I say noisy, I mean turn up the volume on the television, stop your conversation, LOUD. But then again, if this is the loudest it is here, I will take it. If you read my prior blog post you will find out what we had to do to get here, it was all worth it and more!!!

Small towns can be found everywhere in America. The way of life here is different, it is slower, more laid back, and definitely friendlier as we have found out. By the way ladies, no one minds if you go out of your house with no makeup, your sweats, or your flip-flops. Ken & I keep reminding ourselves, “We’re NOT in Kansas anymore” jokingly when people stop to ask how our day is going, or if we need help getting our groceries in the car, even the local Wal-Mart has a laid back, friendly, attitude unlike many of the Wal-Marts in larger markets. Here if you are out driving on Saturday or Sunday you will find roadside stands selling everything from fresh honey, homegrown veggies, homemade jams, jellies, knitted/crocheted blankets, & quilts. Another thing, farming is a way of life here, many times you will be sharing the road with John Deere’s as they move from one field to another. We haven’t made it to the local diner yet, however we will one of these days, if not for breakfast, just for coffee.

I do realize that “small town” life is not for everyone. I know this because I have friends whom will NEVER move out of Manhattan, until they trade it for a condo on the beach in Miami. While big cities may be great for some, for me it has to be “Mayberry”, where hometown parades, fireworks, county fairs, high school football games (I live in OHIO, where like Texas & Oklahoma football is a religion, so is golf for that matter!) are the norm. Where your neighbors are your friends, and you depend upon when times are bad or the weather is nasty.

As this “city girl” found out, she loves the small town life. With the birds chirping, an occasional siren or two, the daily trains, & the quiet of life. May you all find your “Mayberry” no matter where you live. God bless & have a great day!   

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