05 July 2011


My Facebook status reads:  "I hope & pray that when she & her parents stand before GOD, that Caylee is holding His hand, sporting the most beautiful pair of angel wings that the heavens have. I truly believe that God's punishment will be much more serving and just than any punishment she (they) would have received here on earth. RIP Caylee, justice may have not been done today, but it will be done in God's time, with His mighty & swift sword."

Now I am going to rant....

How could twelve jurors find her NOT GUILTY of murder? Can someone please explain this to me.  She took her innocent angel of a daughter, gave her chloroform, duct taped her head, placed her in a garbage bag, and put her in a ditch to die. Do NOT tell me drugs made her do this. Do NOT tell me she has a "chemical imbalance" that made her do it.  Do NOT tell me her bird, dog, gator, stuffed animal or anything else whispered to her to do this, because I will NOT believe you. Casey knowingly did this to a precious, bright, sweet little girl who no one will ever know because her mother was selfish.  Because of it, how many other Caylee Anthony's will we be reading about? Her sentence, four years--because of the wonderful justice system we have, she has enough "time served" to be walking around free. When are prosecutors, judges, juries going to wake up? I for one am for tough sentencing, and absolutely NO "early release" even on so called white collar crime. 

Granted, being a single parent is TOUGH! I know I am a single parent of a wonderful, beautiful, loving, teenager who at times made me wonder if I was actually cut out to be a parent. [For the record, my daughter did travel down the wrong path, but help of social services, the juvenile judicial system put her back on the correct path.  So you see there is help out there, all one has to do is ask.]  Kids makes us crazy, pull our hair out, make us want to crawl back under the covers some days, however they GROW out of it at some point in life. Maybe when they are 25, or 30, or 32, or 35, or never.  But MURDER is never the answer.  All Casey had to do was pick up the phone, call 9-1-1 and have social services come out.  She didn't, then she led the police, the media, her parents (whom are equally culpable in this) on a merry chase throughout the state of Florida and the U.S. if I am not mistaken looking for the so called "nanny" who took her. 

If you cannot handle being a parent, get some help. Ask social services, your church, your family (well, in this case they are as nuts as the mother is, in my opinion). Babies are precious, a gift from God showing us all that tomorrow has a bright future. 

Dance among the clouds sweet Caylee, play with your dolls, have a tea party or two, pick some dandelions from God's front yard, send us a rainbow or two that you have painted, and know that God will give you the justice you so deserve in His time, His place, with you at His side. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you all the way. But if i may say this, i think that Casey Anthony, need to roit in prison, for the rest of her life. :/ But may Caylee Rest In Peace. She will never be forgotten. I love you mother.
