06 July 2011

Still Reeling....

I like the rest of the country and world, are still reeling from yesterdays verdict in the Casey Anthony trial. I know many of us are asking ourselves what can we "do" so the Anthony family does not profit from this. This is what I read on a friends Facebook page a bit ago:

"For those of us who are outraged at this jury verdict, there is something we CAN do. DO NOT buy any book, magazine, or movie ticket for anything than order to make money off of this whole tragedy! I copied this...pass it on the Anthony family publishes ."

This is one of the best ideas for all of us to follow. Yes I do know it will be hard for many who have subscriptions to many of the magazines that will have sensationalized this and have it on the cover of their magazine this week.  For those of you who have this problem, write to the publishers, then throw out the magazine. We as consumers have got to stop the criminal element from making money on their crimes. Like everyone else I am glued to my television when a child goes missing, I think the media has as much part in this verdict as do the unprepared prosecutors, who should have "cut a deal" with her, and let her rot in prison. 

Before you crucify me about "plea bargains" while I am not in favor of them, I would have relished seeing her rot for 15 to 25 for manslaughter, than get off with "time served" as she may get with the remaining charges that she was found guilty of. She would have been an outcast, for even in women's prisons there is a hierarchy of sorts, child molesters and baby killers are still dirt underneath the shoes of the general population. As I have stated before, she has to stand before God someday, and when she does, His judgement will come on behalf of Casey who seemed to be far removed in this trial. 

What about Casey Anthony's parents? They are as culpable in this as their daughter. They covered up facts, they helped her get away with it. Yes, as a parent you do much to protect your children, however what they did is unconscionable. They should be joining their daughter in a cell.  

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