10 September 2011

Summer Vacation...

We all have written the essay, "What I Did On My Summer Vacation" at least once or more in our lives. I think I wrote it at least three times in grammar school with the same vacation. As a child growing up we (my family and I) visited with my mother's family in Columbus, Ohio. First of all I need to explain that my grandpa Dominic & my Aunt Rose came to spend summers with our family ever summer from the time I was very little, so the last two weeks of August were spent driving them home, seeing all my relatives, playing, swimming, riding a horse (my very favorite thing of all) and generally having a good time. When it was time to come home I always cried, I loved being in Ohio, to this day, I love visiting there. 

This summer I spent 1-1/2 days driving to southwest Missouri to celebrate my daughter's birthday with her. We spent the first part of our day at the salon having our nails done, and the evening & night at "The Track" in Branson where she and her nieces drove go carts, played laser tag, played arcade games, yes I even played some of the arcade games, bumper cars, and at the end of the evening I watched her & her niece strap themselves into a harness which would live them 100 feet into the air, and drop them. The name of this daredevil ride, "Ozark Mountain Skycaoster". Let me just say that while I admired my daughter's chutzpah at doing this, the mother in me was cringing just a little. Yes she screamed, as did her niece but all was well when they finally slowed down enough to get back to earth. Needless to say this is not for the faint of heart. I enjoyed being in Missouri and spending time with my daughter. I do miss being away from her and being part of her everyday life. But being able to spend time with her, hearing her laugh, knowing she is excelling in school and in life makes us being apart all worthwhile.

While on my return to upstate New York, I stopped in Columbus, Ohio. I was able to spend time with my son (there are NO "steps" in my life or home!) and his mom. We got to spend time talking, laughing, and enjoying a few adult beverages along the way. His mom and I were able to have breakfast together two mornings which was nice because we have become friends over the years. The other two days I spent with a young lady I babysat when I was a teenager, who became a new mom recently. I was able to hold her son, who is a joy. I was able to have supper & dessert with one of my aunts, and visit with another. When I left on Friday morning, I was again feeling the same way as I did as a child, a feeling of leaving the best place on earth (okay so I am not a fan of I-270, the 670 or the 315, but I still love Columbus). 

My summer vacation reminded me that it is nice to take time to visit places of our childhood. Yes it changed, the city is larger, my family has moved from the familiar places where I once played are now new places for me to visit. I drove through Worthington, Short North, Clintonville, Westerville, and by The Ohio State University.

This vacation I spent time doing the things I wanted to do for a change: read a book, watch the sunrise, watch the sunset, drive home leisurely, enjoy my time with my family and friends. Vacations should be this way at least once in a lifetime. 

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