28 August 2011

Sports Legends....

This blog was originally written the weekend of Jeter's 3000th. I didn't realize it never got posted!!! Sorry

This weekend Derek Jeter, of the NY Yankees did something no other Yankee had ever done, made 3,000 hits while wearing the only uniform he ever has, pinstripes. While you could see he was overjoyed in having done so, his celebration on the field and off were low-key, jsut as everything he does is. While many of my friends who know me, know that while I don't embrace the Yankee's as my favorite team, I do however possess a certain fondness for Mr. Jeter. He is truly a gentleman.

Another of my favorites is Cal Ripken Jr., while many players don a uniform and play, he played every game because it was his "job". He missed the birth of a child, because it was his "job" to be with his team. He treated playing baseball, which in his own words he "loves" as his job.

David Beckham, while I really do not follow soccer, or the scandal sheets. I do know he is married to one of the "Spice Girls". They both have appeared on the covers of magazines, more because of their celebrity, and less because of gossip.

Serena & Venus Williams, are two women all girls should look up to. While being extremely talented on  the tennis court, they are sucessful off of it as well. On occassion one might read about them being seen at a posh restaurant or nightclub.

It is too bad that more of our children's heroes could not be more like these sports firgures. With money comes great responsibility. 

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