03 February 2012

Fast & Furious...

Okay so we all have heard or seen the movies "The Fast & The Furious", however this is NOT a fictional movie where the hero drives away with the car. This is REAL LIFE where a Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry was gunned down with weapons sold by the American government to the Mexican government and then distributed to the drug kingpins. What were they thinking???? 

Brian Terry was doing his JOB when he was gunned down. He was killed in the line of duty, he was protecting the border of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Still no one has been brought to justice. Why you ask, because Eric Holder, the Attorney General thinks this is a laughing matter. IT ISN'T Mr. Holder. You , your office, your cronies are RESPONSIBLE for this man's death. You NEED to come clean about your role in this. WE THE PEOPLE demand it of you. 

 PLEASE pass this onto your friends. We need answers. 

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