05 February 2012

No Minors Policy....Where Are the Parents???

I just read an article at Syracuse.com* about a young juvenile who was arrested in possession of a sawed off shotgun, shells, and a bad temper , so bad a temper he was arrested for resisting arrest. The mall he was arrested at has a "NO MINORS" without an accompanying adult**. Now my question is where was the accompanying adult when this boy knocked out another patron, dropped shotgun shells, ran from mall officers (I am not talking about "Paul Blart: Mall Cop") as well as Syracuse Police Officers whom patrol the mall in the evenings. 

Was this a "gang initiation"? Retaliation for the latest shooting? A dare? Given that many of our youths think that being a "gang banger" is cool because of what they see on television, in music videos, and in the movies. It is NOT!!! It is a life of crime, and punishment. When this young man goes into court, we are going to hear about how "bad" he has it at home. Maybe we should start charging the parents as well as the juvenile offenders. Maybe this would be a WAKE UP call to all children/young adults. 

Yes I do believe it takes a village to raise a child. It also takes time and energy to discipline children, it is obvious that too many homes today are "one parent" and the main parent is working to keep a roof over the families head. My generation (I was born in 1962) had very few "one parent families"; okay so maybe discipline was left up to mom (or dad) however what you didn't hear from one of them you heard from the other, then you heard it from your friends parents, and then your family. I have great respect for single parents whom raise their children to become productive adults, who graduate high school, a trade program, technical school, or college. 

*  http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2012/02/syracuse_police_15-year-old_in.html

** http://www.carouselcenter.com/index.php?page=information

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