12 July 2012

Lawmaker Berates Double Amputee

It is my guess that some members of Congress find veterans second class citizens. Rep. Joseph Walsh-IL(R) is doing his best to get reelected in his district, running against him is a combat veteran, who risked her life fighting for the belief that all people should be free. In that battle she lost her legs, while this would deter many, it hasn't dampened her spirit, nor her fight for freedom. 

My guess is that Rep. Walsh cannot find a single thing out of place in this veteran's background to cast dispersion upon so he uses her own words against her, the ones where she explains to her would be constituents how she lost her legs, and why she feels she must runs for public office. She is being "honest & upfront" about her disability, which means she openly talks about how she lost her legs. 

I guess Rep. Walsh was raised by wolves, and never learned the following golden rule: "If you cannot say something nice, don't say anything at all."

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