17 October 2012


To thrive a child needs love, food, clothes, a roof over their heads. 

They do not need: iPod, iPhone, 40" flat screens, cable with all the channels/dvr, designer clothing, handbags, plastic surgery, a new car.

They need to learn responsibility, period. That means they know that every action has a reaction. That for every thing that they do correctly will bring laud & adoration (remember potty training?); for every thing they do wrong brings punishment (time out? corner time?). This is called: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. 

If you fail to teach your children responsibility in spending, living, honesty how do you as a parent expect them to leave your home at age eighteen, go to college, get good grades, graduate, get a job?  Responsibility is taught at home. It is not up to the teachers, administration or professors to teach this to your child. It begins when they are toddlers, picking up their toys is not a hard chore; they may not do it to your specification, however if all the toys end up put away, then they have learned something. As youngsters, have them make their beds daily, keep their rooms picked up, hang up the towels after showering/bathing. It may not be the way we as parents want it to look, however they are learning to pick up after themselves. These small things will give you more time to do something you as a mom or dad want to do (i.e.: read a chapter of a book, call a friend, answer an email, etc). Chores never hurt any one of my friends, in fact it was always more fun doing chores at my friends house than it was at mine, and vice-versa. 

I have children, my children know what it is to work. They are all personally responsible for themselves. Does that mean I haven't spoiled them at Christmas or their birthday? No, it means that when they did wrong they were punished; when they did right they were rewarded. 

We are growing a generation of children who are ungrateful, lazy, whiny, brats. 

What are you as a parent going to do about it to change this trend?

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