20 January 2013

Gun Safety??!!

"Five people were wounded in accidents at gun shows in North Carolina, Ohio, and Indiana on Saturday, according to authorities."--NBC News 

Three people were wounded in an accidental shooting at a gun shou in NC when a man unzipping the case of his 12-gauge shotgun went off wounding three people with bird-shot pellet. On Ohio, an exhibitor was removing a gun from a box when it went off hitting his partner. and finally a man in Indianapolis shot himself in the hand while unloading his gun. I am going to dissect all three of these, and maybe make some sense out of them. WARNING:  I may be sarcastic at times. 

Here is some background on myself. I was raised by a Marine, who was and avid hunter and fisherman. He had rifles and a shotgun, as well as a pistol he bought while he was in the Marine Corps during WWII (he had a permit issued in 1946 by the Onondaga County Sheriff Dept.).  My father was meticulous, never did he put any of his firearms away dirty or loaded. If he had not gone hunting for a year, he would take his rifles & shotgun out to clean them, one by one, he would remove them and put them back in the locked gun cabinet in our home. His .22 caliber Colt he kept loaded, however without one in the chamber  so an accident would not happen. Whenever he would handle his pistol the very first thing he did was remove the clip, and pull back the slide to make sure that the weapon was not loaded. My brother and I learned these lessons so if we ever chose to have a firearms we would know how to hand them safely. While at this time I do not own a firearm, I do know how to handle one if need be. I did not start attending gun shows until after I was married (when we divorced I still attended them), I loved seeing all of the different models, calibers, and gauges. I enjoyed seeing the 2nd Amendment at work.

WHAT WERE THESE PEOPLE THINKING???? Obviously all of them do not care for their firearms or their firearm would have never been put away loaded!! Ever hear of cleaning your firearm after you have been in the woods hunting buddy? By the way, how does one shoot themselves in the hand while unloading their firearm, clip fall outs, slide pulls back neither of these things will put your hand in front of the barrel, either will opening the chamber of a "six shooter". So now I ask how the hell were you raised? Did you not take a hunter safety course? Or a course on how to load and unload your firearms safely so no one gets hurt??? These people make Elmer Fudd look like "Firearm Owner of the Year".

In the case where the man shot his partner while removing a firearm from a box, my question is this: You have an FFL to buy and sell firearms, did you not remove the firearm from the box to examine it? Remove the clip, or open the chamber to examine them? Pull the slide back to see if it was in working order? Look down the barrel to make sure the barrel was not tampered with? If you failed to do any of these things then you fine sir should have your FFL revoked, permanently!!!

Yes, I know that there are really stupid people out there. At times I am one of them, for me they are my "Blonde Moments", however never are any of these moments when I am around or handling a firearm. Never would I hand someone a firearm that I knew was loaded. What would have happened if one or all of those injured was a child? Let's face it, those of us whom have kids have brought them to a gun show to show them the 2nd Amendment at work. We would hear from those in Washington, "Outlaw Gun Shows", "Revoke All FFL's Except the ATF", it would NOT be pretty nor would any of us be safe from the criminals. 

I will not step off my soapbox, and return you to your normally scheduled programming which is already in progress. 

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