18 January 2013

Sandy Hook, The 2nd Amendment & Gun Control

This blog was begun a few days after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. I originally wrote it to relieve the pain I was feeling for all of the lives lost, and for the survivors. This is the finished piece, forgive the delay. 

First and foremost I am a mother, that means like every other mom & dad out there, I am grieving. Grieving for twenty children who will never graduate from high school or college, get married, have babies. My heart hurts for every parent who lost a child my prayers are with them. With that said I am also a patriot, that means I believe that the Constitution is the "Law of the Land" and should not be struck down because people choose tyranny over freedom.  

When are we going to stop talking about "GUN CONTROL" and begin to talk about the true underlying problem with the latest tragedy, and the rest of the mass shootings that have been in the news lately, "MENTAL HEALTH"? Last time I looked there is a question sections on most if not every gun permit/license form in the United States. The following questions are found on the OH Concealed Carry Weapons application*:

(13)  (a) Have you ever been adjudicated as mentally incompetent or mentally defective?
         (b) Have you ever been committed to a mental institution?
         (c) Have you ever been involuntarily committed to a mental hospital or facility for purposes             other than observation?
         (d) Have you ever been adjudicated as mentally defective (which includes having been adjudicated as: incompetent to manage your own affairs or ever been committed to a mental institution?

When are the powers that be going to understand that more "GUN CONTROL" only works when every illegal gun comes off the street? Chicago has the toughest "gun laws" in the country, yet they have the highest murder rate per capita of any city in the United States. I am NOT talking about the "justifiable homicides" in which a homeowner, business owner or person whom was being threatened by a "criminal", I am talking about the homicides that were committed with ILLEGAL FIREARMS. 

CRIMINALS DO NOT OBEY THEY LAW!!!! They obtain firearms from other criminals, shady dealers, or through thefts of homeowners and gun/pawn shops. The firearms the criminals obtain often have had the serial numbers ground of or have been obliterated by acid. The sellers DO NOT do background checks, wait three days, or sell trigger guards, barrel locks, lock boxes, or gun safes. They sell ILLEGALLY obtained weapons from the street corner, a trunk in a parking lot, someone's brother, uncle, aunt, sister, etc. The criminals also have someone rework many firearms to become automatic, which by the way every RESPONSIBLE firearm owner knows are illegal to obtain or own. Criminals have networks to dispose of  these "ILLEGAL FIREARMS" after they have been used in a crime.   

The U.S. Constitution is like the Ten Commandments....they ARE NOT suggestions. The are rules we all live by. The first is the law of  the land, the second is about personal responsibility. 

Owning a firearm comes with responsibility!!! It is the owner's responsibility to get training on the firearm he or she possesses; it is also the owner's responsibility to keep the firearm under lock and key, which includes a trigger lock and/or a lock box. While my good friends & family whom know me well, know I do not hunt, however they know how feel about my 2nd Amendment rights. 

Do NOT take 2nd Amendment rights away from the responsible gun owners because of a few who. Does it become a slippery slope to revoke other Amendments to the Constitution because they are not good for us?  


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