27 May 2013


For those of you whom think I am homophobic, listen and listen well, I AM NOT!!! I am very much the live and let live type woman. I harbor NO ill will towards anyone (okay, okay I am not fond of the used car salesmen we have in Washington, DC nor the President--those I wish would find a very large, short pier to walk off into the ocean!). 

If I read another headline about a "gay" ball player coming out, I will literally scream. You are a ball player, first. Your allegiance is to your team, the man who stares back at you in the mirror in the morning, and your significant other. I DO NOT care if you are gay, bi, or straight do your damn job and stop waving a flag for your personal life. Let's face some facts some of you shouldn't be waving a flag at all (i.e.: Drug Use, DUI, D&D, Domestic Abuse, Arrests, Probation) are NOT things to be proud of.

While I can remember a time when women were thought less than an equal of a man, and had to gain equality in the workplace and on the playing field. I remember an evening when Billie Jean King played tennis and won against Bobby Riggs, her parting shot to Riggs was a piglet. Billie Jean  along with Martina Navratilova broke the barrier, the glass ceiling so to speak . These women are lauded for their feats upon the tennis court not because of their sexual orientation.

GET OVER IT MEN!!! Women broke this barrier for you long ago and it was a much tougher sell to the public than you "coming out" of your locker to admit your "gay" to your team mates and the world. Yes, I get that you can finally breathe however which do you want to be remembered for?

Your record on the field? 

- or -

Your personal life?

The choice albeit rests with you, however I prefer to see the first, NOT the second!!!!

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