27 June 2013

Politicians Cannot Read!!!

What I gather from everything I am reading is that those we have elected to represent us in Washington, D.C. either cannot or better yet refuse to read before voting on any Bill put before them. The link below is an interview with House Majority Leader Rick Cantor. It is very enlightening. 

Is this a problem? Yes, for those of us who keep seeing more of our liberties taken away by tyrannical politicians whom think that they know what is best for us, it is a HUGE problem. I for one would like to know what are in the bills (Immigration/Amnesty, Obamacare) that the politicians that are placing their vote on, on my behalf. 

If you cannot read a bill thoroughly why would you vote on it? Because money talks in D.C.? Or because someone is forcing your hand to do so? Or are you showing your constituents you really do NOT give a damn about them? Can someone please answer me, or are all the phone lines to the nations capitol on hold or better yet, re-routed to somewhere in Asia to be answered by a customer service representative whom cannot speak English? I will take the answer number 4, because this is definitely what it feels like when I call my Representative's or Senator's office, or even the Speaker of the House, John Boehner's office.

I am tired of being walked upon by those in Washington who swore upon a bible the day they took office to "...uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America..." but have NEVER read this living, breathing document that made this country into what it is, or rather was when men like Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy, & Reagan were the men whom occupied the Oval Office of the White House (which by the way belongs to the people of the United States of America). 

Wake up Senators & Representatives of "We The People" your days are numbered in your current occupations. If you were in the private sector you would not be working for very long, some are not fit to flip burgers at a fast food joint or wash dishes at a restaurant. Remember, just as we voted you into office, we CAN and WILL vote you out.  

24 June 2013

Toddler's & Tiara's

For those of you whom do not know what I am talking about, tune into TLC on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. for a whole new meaning of the title "Stage Mother". Some of these women need to get a grip on reality, truly! Dressing your yet to be 2 yr old on up in dresses that cost a fortune, tweezed eyebrows, making them up like street walkers is NOT good for any child, let alone a girl. 

Childhood should NOT be filled with the angst of "not being good enough to win the 'supreme trophy' at the end of the pageant" it should be filled with playing, pre-k, potty training, jumping rope, playing hopscotch, have tea with your friends, and making mud pies. I doubt that any of the little girls I saw on television last night is allowed to do any of those things, let alone get dirty. 

PLEASE, please, please don't tell me your child just LOVES to do this, they don't their crying as your make them up, rehearse constantly, tease their hair (one little girl looked as if she was losing her hair due to all of the processing that was done to it). If you have to bribe your child to sit still long enough to have makeup put on, have rollers taken out, or do it one more time for momma it means you as a parent have crossed a line. I saw one child through a fit because she didn't win the top prize, my initial reaction was, that child needs a swat on the behind and a nap! By the way, a swat on the behind NEVER killed any child, period! 

Honestly I blame the parents whom think that this will make their child more popular, it wont. LIFE is NOT a popularity contest, period. If you truly think it is, you need to honestly take a good long look at your finances, your home life, and your other children that by the way you are neglecting because you are raising the next Little Miss Sunshine, Miss California Tropic, Miss whatever pageant you are at. While I think that a young lady at twelve or thirteen whom wants to enter a local pageant to see if she can make it is all well and good, however anything younger than that is way too damn young!!!

For all of the father's out there whom allow their little girls to be tarted out, then put on stage every weekend or other weekend, grow a set. Say, "NO" to your wife, sure she isn't going to sleep in your bed, do your laundry, or cook your supper however you will be showing the world you wear the pants in your family and you refuse to have your child dangled like a piece of meat for all to see and bid on. Good self esteem is built when children are raised with God, morals, rules, and boundaries. If you do not believe me ask Dr. James C. Dobson, a Child Developement expert. 

Don't our girls have enough to contend with as they become young ladies? Peer pressure for them to be thin (anorexia, bulimia), popular (sexually promiscuous), and being like the starlets they see in Hollyrude. 

Yes, now I will get off my soapbox and put it away! 

03 June 2013

Best Friends Forever

BFF. Best Friends Forever for the older crowd who haven't quite mastered the lingo of the younger less talkative, less imaginative, and oh yes, less literate than most of us old folk. But I digress, forgive me please! 

What makes a BFF, well in most cases it is the person sitting next to you in jail while you wait for someone to bail your butt out of jail, nudging you saying, "That was a blast, we need to do it again, but let's not get caught the next time!" or the one holding your hand as chemo drips into your body to kill the cancer that is eating you alive; or last but not least, it is the person that has been there through thick and thin no matter what, no matter where, no matter when. 

That is the way it was with my mom, and her best friend Terri. Mom and Terri were born on the very same day, hours apart. They were closer than sisters, each of them had sisters, both of them had two each. They learned about life together, walked to school together, married Marine's, Terri's husband Jules & my father Ralph were best friends (best friends marrying best friends how could it get any better?). Both Terri and my mom weathered their husbands fighting in WWII, not knowing (yes I said NOT knowing) whether they were alive or dead on any given day. 

Terri stayed in their hometown of Columbus, Ohio and raised a family; while my mom and dad moved to his hometown of Syracuse, New York to settle down and raise a family. They never failed to get together during the summer when my mom & dad would travel to Ohio so my mom could visit her family. Never once did a birthday go by that they didn't call one another (back then a long distance phone call was a huge thing). As the years went by, Jules passed away, then my father, but the girls (as they called themselves) never wavered in their friendship or love for one another.

Last month, Terri met again with the love of her life Jules, and saw her best friend Jane. You see the best friends are together again, talking, sipping coffee, laughing, exchanging photos, while sitting at God's kitchen table. You see best friends never end, ever. They go on into heaven.

Rest well, mom & Terri, you are a credit to your families, whom learned that friendship is a bond stronger than blood, that lasts forever.