24 June 2013

Toddler's & Tiara's

For those of you whom do not know what I am talking about, tune into TLC on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. for a whole new meaning of the title "Stage Mother". Some of these women need to get a grip on reality, truly! Dressing your yet to be 2 yr old on up in dresses that cost a fortune, tweezed eyebrows, making them up like street walkers is NOT good for any child, let alone a girl. 

Childhood should NOT be filled with the angst of "not being good enough to win the 'supreme trophy' at the end of the pageant" it should be filled with playing, pre-k, potty training, jumping rope, playing hopscotch, have tea with your friends, and making mud pies. I doubt that any of the little girls I saw on television last night is allowed to do any of those things, let alone get dirty. 

PLEASE, please, please don't tell me your child just LOVES to do this, they don't their crying as your make them up, rehearse constantly, tease their hair (one little girl looked as if she was losing her hair due to all of the processing that was done to it). If you have to bribe your child to sit still long enough to have makeup put on, have rollers taken out, or do it one more time for momma it means you as a parent have crossed a line. I saw one child through a fit because she didn't win the top prize, my initial reaction was, that child needs a swat on the behind and a nap! By the way, a swat on the behind NEVER killed any child, period! 

Honestly I blame the parents whom think that this will make their child more popular, it wont. LIFE is NOT a popularity contest, period. If you truly think it is, you need to honestly take a good long look at your finances, your home life, and your other children that by the way you are neglecting because you are raising the next Little Miss Sunshine, Miss California Tropic, Miss whatever pageant you are at. While I think that a young lady at twelve or thirteen whom wants to enter a local pageant to see if she can make it is all well and good, however anything younger than that is way too damn young!!!

For all of the father's out there whom allow their little girls to be tarted out, then put on stage every weekend or other weekend, grow a set. Say, "NO" to your wife, sure she isn't going to sleep in your bed, do your laundry, or cook your supper however you will be showing the world you wear the pants in your family and you refuse to have your child dangled like a piece of meat for all to see and bid on. Good self esteem is built when children are raised with God, morals, rules, and boundaries. If you do not believe me ask Dr. James C. Dobson, a Child Developement expert. 

Don't our girls have enough to contend with as they become young ladies? Peer pressure for them to be thin (anorexia, bulimia), popular (sexually promiscuous), and being like the starlets they see in Hollyrude. 

Yes, now I will get off my soapbox and put it away! 

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