27 October 2013

Dear Mom...

Dear Mom,


Today is your 87th birthday. Today I will do my best not to cry as I think of all of your birthday's we shared together. Some of the things I remember about your birthday: Liberty Bakery Italian Creme filled cakes; the year one of the mom's brought you a cake shaped like a "witch" to celebrate your birthday with all the kids you babysat for; surprising you with a 75th birthday party (it was tough getting you out of the house that day -- thank God for Larry & Kathy whom took you out shopping & to lunch) you were so mad at me for having a party but in the end you loved every moment of it; suppers at Red Lobster, and Valley's Steakhouse. You never forgot our birthdays, and always made a big deal about our birthdays. I also remember the last couple of birthdays we had for you; you enjoyed seeing your family, your godchildren and their families.

I miss you mom, I miss your stories of when your were a young girl growing up, living here in your hometown of Columbus I see the signs for Goodale Street, I took a ride on the number 11-St. Clair bus, which runs up St. Clair Avenue; I miss making cookies at Christmas, shopping at the mall, cooking & talking, most of all I miss your sage advice. I wish I would have written everything you said down, so I could look it up. I thank you for teaching me about faith, not my Catholic faith, but the blind faith one has to have that God will answer your prayers. 

I won't keep you mom, just know that I love you, and miss you. 

Love, flavia

26 October 2013

Personal Reseponsibility

This nation has become a nation of "TAKERS" and not "GIVERS". Well let me rephrase that, we as Americans give millions to other countries (Haiti, Japan, etc) when they have devastating earthquakes & tsunami's. We have veteran's sleeping on the streets, we have poor & starving children here at home, please don't say well they can apply for food stamps and assistance. Do you have any idea what it takes to get foods stamps these days? After filling out the forms, either online or in person, you may have to wait up to 10 days for an interview, after that it may take 30-45 days to be approved. I am all for the person that is trying but is NOT making it on their take home pay to apply and get food stamps. But if you apply for public assistance because you NO LONGER want to work, then I have a huge problem with it. I see way too many people on public assistance with the newest iPhone, new vehicles, designer handbags, shoes, clothes, gold & diamonds. It angers me that one no longer has to work while receiving public assistance. When President Clinton the "Welfare to Work" law into effect, many who were on public assistance were forced to get a job (even part-time is better than no job at all). When President Obama repealed this law our Public assistance roles exploded, If you do not believe me see the graph at the bottom of the page. As a whole we have become lazy, and complacent. Well it is time for all of us to get up off our collective asses. I worked from the time I was sixteen years old, I did whatever job I could find. It seems our teenagers are more adept at hanging on the street corner, skipping school, robbing stores at gunpoint, becoming gang bangers, drug dealers, and carjackers then becoming PRODUCTIVE, RESPONSIBLE young adults. We need to lead by example, how is a child to learn about working if her sees his parent(s) not working. Flipping burgers, housekeeping at a hotel/motel, washing cars, sweeping floors, picking vegetables & fruit, are not beneath you. More and more I see people whom do not speak the English language working hard for their wages. I would much rather have an illegal alien whom works hard every day on food stamps then someone whom refuses to work getting them. My opinion is: IF YOU WORK HARD AND ARE STILL UNABLE TO FEED YOUR FAMILY THEN YOU DESERVE TO RECEIVE WHATEVER PUBLIC ASSISTANCE YOU CAN GET.   

We have become a nation that has NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. When I was growing up my parents didn't have credit cards, they didn't go into debt to pay for games systems, tv's for our bedrooms, cell phones, cars, designer clothing, or anything else today's youth seems they are entitled to without working for it. Personal responsibility is a choice many in this country refuse to make. They refuse to work, they have children they cannot afford nor do they discipline; when the child becomes a gang member does something to break the law she is the first one to shout "NOT MY CHILD". We as parent's are responsible for everything our children do and say until they become young adults. We have to instill in them that in order to have a quality life you must work hard, get an education, and become a productive member of society.

Hollyrude is one of our biggest problems. Our children and young adults think they can live the life of a movie star, rap star, or hip-hop artist. Hollyrude portrays gangsters in such a positive light that our young people strive to be just like them. Of all the rap stars that are out there, I admire one; LL Cool J. Why? Because he knows what hard work and dedication are. He is family oriented, he is not afraid to show his faith in God. I rarely see his name in the gossip sheets (Enquirer, Star). Hollyrude has also given us another huge trend: unwed mothers whom are glorified in the press. Used to be being an un-wed mom was something a young woman was shunned for. Now it is all the rage. I am all for carrying a child to full term and giving birth. However, if you cannot afford or are not emotionally prepared to be a parent, please give that child up for adoption.

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is hard work. It is something that many in this country do not want to do or prefer to have the government do it for them.

17 October 2013

No Taxation...

"The Boston Tea Party of December 16, 1773, took place when a group of Massachusetts Patriots, protesting the monopoly on American tea importation recently granted by Parliament to the East India Company, seized 342 chests of tea in a midnight raid on three tea ships and threw them into the harbor."* 

This event changed AMERICAN history, period. The colonist fought because we did NOT have representation. The same is happening today. We have members of Congress that WE THE PEOPLE elected, put there to voice our opinions, our dreams. They on the other hand have used it as a stepping stone to ULTIMATE power and untold riches. 

With power comes great responsibility. 

We need to re-think whom our leaders are, and stop the insanity that they call CONGRESS. We all have a voice, but it is obvious that we have forgotten how to use it. Well my friends, we all need to stand up and say, "STOP, this is NOT what I wanted from you when I elected you" to every Congressman and Senator. 

I grew up in AMERICA, a Constitutional Republic, with a STRONG moral backbone, with an economy that was decent. We need to go back, in order to go froward. 

FIND YOUR VOICE, a letter seems something archaic in this world of technology with email; but flooding your representatives offices with real US MAIL will bring this point into view immediately, that WE THE PEOPLE are really pissed off.   
