27 October 2013

Dear Mom...

Dear Mom,


Today is your 87th birthday. Today I will do my best not to cry as I think of all of your birthday's we shared together. Some of the things I remember about your birthday: Liberty Bakery Italian Creme filled cakes; the year one of the mom's brought you a cake shaped like a "witch" to celebrate your birthday with all the kids you babysat for; surprising you with a 75th birthday party (it was tough getting you out of the house that day -- thank God for Larry & Kathy whom took you out shopping & to lunch) you were so mad at me for having a party but in the end you loved every moment of it; suppers at Red Lobster, and Valley's Steakhouse. You never forgot our birthdays, and always made a big deal about our birthdays. I also remember the last couple of birthdays we had for you; you enjoyed seeing your family, your godchildren and their families.

I miss you mom, I miss your stories of when your were a young girl growing up, living here in your hometown of Columbus I see the signs for Goodale Street, I took a ride on the number 11-St. Clair bus, which runs up St. Clair Avenue; I miss making cookies at Christmas, shopping at the mall, cooking & talking, most of all I miss your sage advice. I wish I would have written everything you said down, so I could look it up. I thank you for teaching me about faith, not my Catholic faith, but the blind faith one has to have that God will answer your prayers. 

I won't keep you mom, just know that I love you, and miss you. 

Love, flavia

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