17 October 2013

No Taxation...

"The Boston Tea Party of December 16, 1773, took place when a group of Massachusetts Patriots, protesting the monopoly on American tea importation recently granted by Parliament to the East India Company, seized 342 chests of tea in a midnight raid on three tea ships and threw them into the harbor."* 

This event changed AMERICAN history, period. The colonist fought because we did NOT have representation. The same is happening today. We have members of Congress that WE THE PEOPLE elected, put there to voice our opinions, our dreams. They on the other hand have used it as a stepping stone to ULTIMATE power and untold riches. 

With power comes great responsibility. 

We need to re-think whom our leaders are, and stop the insanity that they call CONGRESS. We all have a voice, but it is obvious that we have forgotten how to use it. Well my friends, we all need to stand up and say, "STOP, this is NOT what I wanted from you when I elected you" to every Congressman and Senator. 

I grew up in AMERICA, a Constitutional Republic, with a STRONG moral backbone, with an economy that was decent. We need to go back, in order to go froward. 

FIND YOUR VOICE, a letter seems something archaic in this world of technology with email; but flooding your representatives offices with real US MAIL will bring this point into view immediately, that WE THE PEOPLE are really pissed off.   


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