22 November 2013

JFK: 50 Years Later

Today is the 50th Anniversary of the assassination of the 35th President of the United States of America, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. While I am too young to remember (I was born in 1962) I do know from what I have read that he was a DINO (Democrat In Name Only) in today's terms. I truly believe that had he not been killed we as a nation would be very different today.

I believe that while JFK was a womanizer and unfaithful to Jackie, he was NEVER unfaithful to the oath he took as a Naval Officer and the President of the US. He was honorable when dealing with others, he wanted racial equality in everything thus his brother Robert pressing President Johnson to sign into effect the Civil Rights Act in 1964, and the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

JFK was a man before his time. He asked Americans with his inaugural address, not what your country could do for you but what you could do for your country. Maybe I am old fashioned enough to think that every young man & woman should do something for their country, whether serve in the armed forces or "VISTA" as it was called in the 1960's & 1970's, now known as Ameri Corps VISTA.

When we think of Presidents as a whole, we think of them as men in their plus 50's, whom are far removed from the American people. It was Jackie whom did not allow this. She opened the White House to tours, so that all Americans could see where the President lived. While many at the time criticized her for this, many saw her as a visionary of what the White House, the First Lady, and President should be.

I think of JFK were alive today he would be very disgusted with the way Congress and the office of the President of the United States have been acting. First of all, he fought in WWII to prevent communism from taking over the world, he would have seen right through President Obama, and what he is doing to our nation. As for Congress, I do think he would have been down on the floor of both houses, telling them to "get their collective sh*t together". I am also positive he would have NEVER not covered his heart while reciting the pledge, laughing while the flag is raised, or ask that the Armed Forces remove "GOD" from their oath.

You see while JFK might have been raised with a silver spoon in his mouth, he served this country as a man. First as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, then as a Congressman, and then our President.

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