30 March 2015

Edward M. Kennedy Institute

Today in Boston, Massachusetts the "Edward M Kennedy Institute for The United States Senate" was dedicated and opened to the public. It isn't a shrine to the Senator whom served the people of Massachusetts for 47 as a state senator. It is a teaching tool for all people to learn how the Senate works (or doesn't work). It is very well known that Senator Kennedy crossed the aisle of the senate floor many times to make legislation work, to make life better for all of us. 

This institute is a teaching tool for our young people also. It has a full scale U.S. Senate Chamber that resembles in every way the one in Washington, D.C. where he and his brother, the late John F. Kennedy served before being elected President. This chamber is electronically equipped with interactive tablets that a group of students can use to create, argue, vote, and pass a bill into law. I for one hope that this will get much use as teachers bring their students here to use this teaching tool.

While many remember Senator Kennedy as the man whom was involved in an automobile accident at Chappaquiddick where Mary Jo Kopechne was killed. Many feel that he "got away with murder" because he was never indicted, nor faced charges in her death. I for one remember the man whom lost two brother within a few years of each other, the man whom chose public service over the private sector where he would have done well. 

I share the link below for the institute. 


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