09 August 2011

Military Retirement Cut to 25%

This is a re-post from an ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE MEMBER: "The government took the militaries retirement plan... only get 25% now and it works towards your 401K that you cant touch until you're 68....no more 20 years and retire... :: MEANWHILE :: the politicians send us to war... make 6 figures & still get their 90% when they decide to retire... DAMN AMERICA ( more specifically DC .... ) You have brought me to a loss of words this time !"

Isn't it amazing that the people we elect have done this to the very people who keep us free? I think we need to re-visit this issue with our Congressmen & Senators to set them straight....THEY wear a uniform, THEY are proud to serve us, the AMERICAN people, THEY DESERVE EVERY DIME they receive in benefits and more. RETIRING members of our military should receive what they are entitled to which is: 50% of their active duty pay, PERIOD; lifetime medical and accessibility to any military installation to shop, watch a movie, bowl, golf, or have coffee with friends.

When are we going to learn America that those in Washington are out serve themselves, not the people that elected them. NO, I do not mean those who actually work, vote and do the right thing for their constituents. I am a firm believer in taking out the trash, I believe it is time we do so!!!

Now I will put away my soapbox...

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