07 August 2011

S&P and Dave Ramsey...

‎"If the US Government was a family, they would be making $58,000 a year, they spend $75,000 a year, & are $327,000 in credit card debt. They are currently proposing BIG spending cuts to reduce their spending to $72,000 a year. These are the actual proportions of the federal budget & debt, reduced to a level that we can understand." -Dave Ramsey

When are those in Washington, the president, senators and congressman alike going to understand that we cannot keep spending money we DO NOT have??? What is it going to take to make them see that all of their mayhem & foolishness (what would you call it?) has caused Standard & Poors (S&P) to drop our rating from AAA to AA+. 

It wasn't the American people who did this, it was the people in Washington with their projects, earmarks, committees and anything else they can shove into the budget to get away with stripping the American taxpayers of their hard earned cash.  I doubt any politician who has been in more than two terms could hold a job in corporate America. Yes, in my opinion they are that lazy!!! I doubt Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Boehner or any other politician actually knows that as Vince Lombardi once stated, "...That the dictionary is the only place that success comes before the word work...". 

Everyone in Washington blames Glenn Beck, or the Tea Party for the problems. Never point a finger, there are three pointing back at you. Washington needs to stop all foreign aid, stop "entitlements" to illegal immigrants (whom by the way refuse to learn English or have their children learn English), payback into Social Security what they have so wrongly put into "golden parachutes" for themselves, learn to ride the train, bus, walk to work like many American's do daily, reduce all of the government departments (i.e.: like the 5 or 6 that are under the Dept. of Education) into one single department, reduce their staff to a minimum of 5-7 people who earn what their counterparts in the "real world" do not the inflated salaries they are earning at the American taxpayers expense. America needs to close our borders, period. No immigration, legal or otherwise. Bring home our armed forces let them guard our borders like they do in every other country of the world. Put those in jail who cross into our country illegally, begin to charge taxes to the churches and entities that are "tax free" who shelter illegal immigrants which include some cities which need to be taxed at a higher rate for allowing illegal immigrants to "squat" and allow the American taxpayer to pay for it. 

My grandparents came here from Italy. They had to learn English, had to hold jobs, had to follow the rules. Why are we allowing immigrants coming to America currently to overrun us with, "Push 2, 9, star for Spanish" and yes I do realize that in some of our southern border states that Spanish is sometimes spoken more than English. However are those who are speaking that language here in America, actually legally able to live here in America or have we just made it easier for them to "blend in" by making signs in Spanish? There is a neighborhood in Tacoma , WA that has been funded by totally by the American taxpayer for illegal immigrants (click on the link below to watch the video)*. After I watched the video it made me mad, we have men and women who are veteran's who live on the streets, in shelters because of PTSD and other things that have happened to them because they chose to wear a uniform. Why isn't their a wonderful housing project for them? Isn't it amazing that elderly Americans, who actually paid into the Social Security system as well as others who paid into it but were hurt on the job, have to scrimp for every penny to pay for prescriptions, food, rent, insurance, etc. while immigrants are living in the lap of luxury. If you didn't pay into it, you don't deserve to reap the benefits from it. 

Do you ever wonder why when you dial most 800 numbers that there person on the other end of the line is in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc? It is because Washington sent our jobs there. Our elected officials actually gave tax breaks to American companies to close plants, offices, here in America and send our jobs overseas. Does this make sense to you? I doesn't make sense to me either. 

Things need to change. But in order for change to happen we need to begin to voice our opinions and be heard. Stand up, be counted, ask questions, write letters. Talk about this among your friends & family. Now I will put my soapbox away for another day. 

*  http://media.causes.com/1098660?p_id=46741712&amp%3Bs=fb_feed

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