08 August 2011

Tea Party's Fault

Per David Axelrod, the White House Press Secretary, the "Tea Party" is to blame for everything that has happened in the last five days. Hmmmmm, so it wasn't the "Bush Era" or anything else. WOW, does he need a rude awakening. 

The "Tea Party" has been around for about 3 to 4 years give or take a few months. This so-called problem has been around for the last 25 years. Or maybe I have my facts backwards. After all I am just an average American  trying to figure out my next move. 

This problem was NOT begun because the "Tea Party" formed, it was formed because the legislators in BOTH houses do NOT know how to read a balance sheet. Those are the simple facts. The fact is we are entitling people to benefits they do not deserve, yet our children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren will still be paying for these benefits because the powers that be cannot control their spending. 

Recently I quoted Dave Ramsey, who if you do not know who he is, is a man who helps people get out of debt, and stay out of debt by doing one thing, STOP SPENDING. Maybe those in Washington need a lecture from him to figure out how to do this. One of my friends, after posting this on my Facebook page stated the following, "... How about Congress and the Senate contribute to their pensions and health care. How about the Obama clan QUIT TAKING VACATIONS on the American people. Put those millions to better use. MAKE NANCY PELOSI PAY BACK THE MILLIONS FROM ALL OF HER PLANE RIDES ...hmmm. And they have the nerve to complain about corporate America...". Her words actually make sense if one truly thinks about it.   Yes other sitting president's and their families have taken vacations on the American taxpayer, however NONE of those presidents were facing the financial mess we are in today.

When the United State's S&P rating was dropped from AAA to AA+ President Obama should have immediately called both houses of Congress back to Washington to fix this mess. Instead, he went on a fund raising campaign to be re-elected. Really? Do you truly and honestly think the American public wants another four years of debt, socialization, and programs that ONLY benefit those who have not worked or paid into OUR COUNTRY?? Get real, America is fed up with the so called status quo in Washington. President Obama's first order of business should be demanding is a "Balanced Budget Amendment". This amendment has been stalled on the house floor for so many years I don't even know if anyone even has the original document. Don't laugh, you and I have to live on a budget, why can't the government? If you are only making $15K a year and spending $25K a year, there is a HUGE problem. It is called living beyond your means. When President Obama asked the AMerican public to "tighten their belts" why didn't both houses of Congress do the same? Why did he and his family take a posh vacation to Hawaii? Why not do the car trip thing like most American's have to do? Why vacation at all when you have a government that is hemorrhaging money at a pace we can never catch up to? 

I think America & American's need to wake up and smell the coffee. The pot has boiled over, and it has created a huge mess all over the stove!!! Incumbents in both houses need to go in the next election cycle. Do you honestly think America can afford to keep people who have no idea how to balance a checkbook, let alone have huge pensions, a winter home, summer home, vacation villa, and a platinum credit card supplied by the American taxpayer, to keep making decisions that have put us in debt, and unable to pay? Just think about it before you answer, and make the right decision come November when it really will count!!!

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