25 June 2011

Good Things...

Today as I did some kitchen chores (i.e: put dishes away, scrub down stove, sink, counter tops,etc.) I noticed the sun catcher that is in my window. Yes, I know many people have sun catchers I have three on my kitchen window, two are angels and one is a bear holding a flower with a caption that reads, "a friend is someone who likes you" this sun catcher has seen better days, however it has never not been on my window. When I received it I put it on the window above my desk where it remained until the day I married and moved to NC where it was placed over my sink, the same as in my other homes.

The girls who gave me this were my friends in high school. They were the girls I talked to on a daily basis, the ones I shared confidences with, the ones who let me be myself, and liked me just the way I was. One of the girls and I recently have been in touch with one another. We still have not gotten together for lunch, though we have a firm date set for July. She was the strongest woman I knew in high school, and to this day, one of the strongest women I know. In her friendship in high school she taught me to rejoice in the smallest victories, smile when you want to cry, let others lean when they need to, have faith that God will show you the right path, pray daily (even the simplest prayers reach God's ears), slow & steady wins races, and that even when you think there is no hope, there is. 

So I choose to always to find the good in things even when it seems there is none, I smile at strangers, I allow others to lean on me even when I am the one who needs to lean then I remember two post leaned together will hold each other up, pray daily God will show me His way, pray daily for others in need, that even on my slowest days I am still winning. So sway your hips to the music you hear, walk in the rain, smell the flowers, hold someone's hand, smile it may make another's day, most of all look for the positive things in life. 

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