09 June 2011


I once heard it said that we need to be passionate about one thing in our lives. While most of us think of "passion" in the sexual sense of the word, I am talking about the one thing in our lives that on any given day when thought about makes us smile, and gives us all thought to pause. 

For me, my all time passion is photography. While I have been taking pictures since I was in grade school, my mom gave my brother and I both Kodak 110 cameras one year for Christmas, it wasn't until high school that I truly learned what a camera could do. In my junior year of high school I was not in a good place, because of my often tenuous relationship with the school principal (no, I was not the juvenile delinquent, or troublemaker) I was on the verge of quitting school altogether. I went to the art studio, where I always found peace and tranquility, to find my art teacher, Sr. Frances Agnes, there cleaning up after the day. I began to help her clean, and talk to her about why I was there blowing off steam in the "art studio". She put a camera in my hand, told me to go take pictures. I was hooked. I learned it solved my passion for art (while I can draw some things, I am not as talented as I am with a camera). She took care of the principal problem, and I went on to graduate high school and college. 

Never am I without a camera close by. While my collection includes many photographs of  family and friends; my favorite subject is nature in all of her glory. From trees, streams, waterfalls, trees, snow, flowers, and sunsets. God's ultimate paintbrush is amazing. There are times when what I view through a camera lens is so amazing it takes my breath away. I am always in shock (and awe) when something I have taken a picture of takes my breath away. I found one of those shots yesterday when looking for a photo to mount for a gift. As I stated it honestly took my breath away. 

For those who know me, and know me well, I am not one to put anything out on display. However lately, I am finding as I look through my work, I would not mind having it shown. Okay so maybe I am setting myself up for failure, but one never knows until they try. So one of these days I am going to place my heart (and soul) out on display for all to see. 

What is the moral of this post you ask...find something you love to do, enjoy it daily! 

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