12 June 2011

Parenting Today!?

Can someone please tell me where discipline went? Did it fall to the wayside because we are afraid of a visit from DSS because we choose to say, "No" or swat their behind when they do something wrong? Something is very wrong in this nation when a government agency has more control over your children & household than you (if you are married, your spouse) do. 

What I thought was going to be a nice quiet weekend, filled with doing some things i love to do (i.e.: farmers market, brunch with girlfriends, maybe a ride to take some pics, etc) began with a horrific crash Friday about 5:05p.m. when one of the youngsters (age 8-10) was throwing a basketball against the complex and broke the window above my head. NO, I did not get hurt, yes there was a mess to clean up (and a mess when the window is replaced tomorrow by the owners of the complex), yes I did call the police. They could not do anything about it however I wanted it known I was not happy. 

A few hours after this happened I heard another neighbor admonish the child for his choice places to throw a ball, (there is approximately a 1/2 acre behind my building that is all grass), when his mother heard this she began starting in with the, "how dare you blame my child speech." This is the child who runs wild from 8a.m. on Saturday morning until 8p.m. Sunday evening with no parent or parental control in sight. I guess I was a "mean mom" I had to know where my kids were at all times, I made them eat breakfast--yes breakfast, cereal or toast, I also would not hesitate to swat them in a grocery or department store if they did something wrong, both my children grew up to be respectful adults. I also had a mean mom too! 

If you are afraid social services will come take away your child because you punished them, there is a problem. If you are afraid your neighbors will turn you in because you swatted his or her behind there is a problem, if you cannot control your kids, get help. 

By the way, no one has come by to apologize to me for the broken window. Okay I will step off my soapbox and put it away for another day! 

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