08 June 2011

Tired of the Political Back Stabbing

"I can't be out of money, I still have checks left," this was a line that was on a t-shirt during the 1990's when the House banking scandal was in full swing. Politicians did not learn their lesson then, nor have they learned their lessons now. 

If Joe American does not have the money to spend on fancy dinners, flowers, jewelry --- wait what am I saying, people that receive public assistance do dress to the nines, drive fancy vehicles (BMW, Cadillac, Lexus, Mercedes), wear enough jewelry for me to make my car payments for a few months, and have the audacity to stand in line with people who are working and trying to make ends meet, yell at the clerk when they didnt get a check and/or food stamps. Before you get riled up, I am all for the man or woman who is working, trying to feed a family who need food stamps or WIC. I am speaking of the dead beats who have never held a job, don't want to work, and expect you and I to pay for their lifestyle of luxury. 

Instead of giving big business tax breaks or subsidizing them, have them put people back to work. I know a very novel idea. Stop giving my tax dollars to every foreign country that is looking for a handout. I read an article last week where the Prime Minister of Israel told America it didn't need their help, well then give us back the $4B we gave to you, and when you need our help let us know. Bring home our troops, yes I do realize that we need to station men and women around the world on the bases we have their, however the U.S. is not the world police though we have been acting like it for the past few years. Close our borders, deport all illegals (before you state it is not legal, yes it is, three presidents did just that in the 20th century), place our military at the borders, since every other nation in the world does this so should the U.S. There is an email I am sure every one has seen about crossing a border and ending up in jail, the U.S. is the only place where you get a driver's license, food stamps, medicaid. Is there something wrong with this picture?????

Open your eyes America, politicians are spending our children's and grandchildren's money so fast that they cannot even fathom it. Politicians work for you and I, not the other way around. Also most politicians have never read the Constitution of the United States of America. I had to read it for a history class in high school and college, were they absent those weeks in high school and college??? To the politician who claims he has the right NOT to pay into Social Security, NO YOU DON'T. You would be surprised at the lack of care our senior members of society get when on Medicare. You caused this, not them they worked, they paid into a system which you bankrupted. 

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