04 June 2011

On Being a Strong Woman...

"...A woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until she is put in hot water..."

While away on vacation last weekend with my best friend she stated to me, "All of my friends are such Type A, strong women". When she said this I was taken aback, and quite possibly a tad bit offended. However, looking back now a week later, she is right, I am a strong woman. Why was I taken aback? I try my very best not to "stand out" like many "Type A" personalities are. I admire this type person because they are willing to stand on a soap box, willing to have people ridicule them, and are not always "politically correct". I think of myself as a woman who has come through adversity, being that I have come through it, I hope that I may save another heartache, I will voice my opinion. While I will voice my opinion, I do my very best to never hurt another intentionally, ever. The truth hurts, if you are not prepared to hear it, do not ask for my opinion.

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