25 June 2011

Good Things...

Today as I did some kitchen chores (i.e: put dishes away, scrub down stove, sink, counter tops,etc.) I noticed the sun catcher that is in my window. Yes, I know many people have sun catchers I have three on my kitchen window, two are angels and one is a bear holding a flower with a caption that reads, "a friend is someone who likes you" this sun catcher has seen better days, however it has never not been on my window. When I received it I put it on the window above my desk where it remained until the day I married and moved to NC where it was placed over my sink, the same as in my other homes.

The girls who gave me this were my friends in high school. They were the girls I talked to on a daily basis, the ones I shared confidences with, the ones who let me be myself, and liked me just the way I was. One of the girls and I recently have been in touch with one another. We still have not gotten together for lunch, though we have a firm date set for July. She was the strongest woman I knew in high school, and to this day, one of the strongest women I know. In her friendship in high school she taught me to rejoice in the smallest victories, smile when you want to cry, let others lean when they need to, have faith that God will show you the right path, pray daily (even the simplest prayers reach God's ears), slow & steady wins races, and that even when you think there is no hope, there is. 

So I choose to always to find the good in things even when it seems there is none, I smile at strangers, I allow others to lean on me even when I am the one who needs to lean then I remember two post leaned together will hold each other up, pray daily God will show me His way, pray daily for others in need, that even on my slowest days I am still winning. So sway your hips to the music you hear, walk in the rain, smell the flowers, hold someone's hand, smile it may make another's day, most of all look for the positive things in life. 

19 June 2011

Gifts My Father Gave Me

He gave me his name. It was his father's before that, it is also the name that I keep clean.

He taught me to measure twice, cut once. My father was a master carpenter and lay out iron worker. He taught me to always measure twice and cut once, to me it meant to always check my work, check things out before proceeding with anything. 

My dad was an organic gardener way before it became popular with the "beautiful people". He did his very best to use compost, manure, plants to ward off insects and animals. Every spring he would spend hours tilling up a 50'w x 20'l section of our backyard to garden. It had everything, tomatoes, lettuce (3 or 4 varieties), corn, peppers, zucchini, herbs (parsley, chives, basil, oregano), pumpkins, horseradish, radishes, and baby carrots for the kids my mom watched. Everyday he would come home, drop his lunch pail on the steps, change his shoes and go to the garden where he would pull a carrot for every child there. He washed them, trimmed the greens, and handed them out like candy on Halloween. After that, he would pick whatever was ripe, rinse it off, and bring it in the house to be used at supper. We never bought produce in summer, ever. I remember one time he saw one of our neighbors planting flowers, he said to him, "If you can't eat it why plant it?" this came back to me when I came home to live and tried my hand at gardening. As I would be kneeling in my flower garden I would hear him whisper, "If you can't eat it, why are you planting it?". Thus began my foray into organic gardening with a few tomatoes, herbs, a pepper plant or two. 

When I was about ten or so, my mom wanted me to have a desk. She looked all over, she & dad drove to a place an hour away just to see what they had. When both of them agreed that for the price ($150 in the 70's) it wasn't a nice piece of furniture, my dad decided to make me one. Of all of the furniture that is in my home, this is my prize possession. It was made for me, and me alone. It has traveled with me when I moved, and came home with me when I came home. 

My dad was a Marine. That's right I didn't date until I was about 16, and then some of the guys never came back they were so afraid. But dad taught me to love our flag, to love the freedom it stands for, to respect the men and women who wear a uniform, no matter what branch, or when they served. That is why I go out of my way to say, "Thank you" when I see someone in uniform. 

Last but not least, dad gave me his love. Taught me that I was worthy of respect. Thank you dad for all of these things and so much more. I love and miss you on day's like today. I will be listening for more of your whispers when you are ready to let me hear them. 

12 June 2011

Parenting Today!?

Can someone please tell me where discipline went? Did it fall to the wayside because we are afraid of a visit from DSS because we choose to say, "No" or swat their behind when they do something wrong? Something is very wrong in this nation when a government agency has more control over your children & household than you (if you are married, your spouse) do. 

What I thought was going to be a nice quiet weekend, filled with doing some things i love to do (i.e.: farmers market, brunch with girlfriends, maybe a ride to take some pics, etc) began with a horrific crash Friday about 5:05p.m. when one of the youngsters (age 8-10) was throwing a basketball against the complex and broke the window above my head. NO, I did not get hurt, yes there was a mess to clean up (and a mess when the window is replaced tomorrow by the owners of the complex), yes I did call the police. They could not do anything about it however I wanted it known I was not happy. 

A few hours after this happened I heard another neighbor admonish the child for his choice places to throw a ball, (there is approximately a 1/2 acre behind my building that is all grass), when his mother heard this she began starting in with the, "how dare you blame my child speech." This is the child who runs wild from 8a.m. on Saturday morning until 8p.m. Sunday evening with no parent or parental control in sight. I guess I was a "mean mom" I had to know where my kids were at all times, I made them eat breakfast--yes breakfast, cereal or toast, I also would not hesitate to swat them in a grocery or department store if they did something wrong, both my children grew up to be respectful adults. I also had a mean mom too! 

If you are afraid social services will come take away your child because you punished them, there is a problem. If you are afraid your neighbors will turn you in because you swatted his or her behind there is a problem, if you cannot control your kids, get help. 

By the way, no one has come by to apologize to me for the broken window. Okay I will step off my soapbox and put it away for another day! 

09 June 2011


I once heard it said that we need to be passionate about one thing in our lives. While most of us think of "passion" in the sexual sense of the word, I am talking about the one thing in our lives that on any given day when thought about makes us smile, and gives us all thought to pause. 

For me, my all time passion is photography. While I have been taking pictures since I was in grade school, my mom gave my brother and I both Kodak 110 cameras one year for Christmas, it wasn't until high school that I truly learned what a camera could do. In my junior year of high school I was not in a good place, because of my often tenuous relationship with the school principal (no, I was not the juvenile delinquent, or troublemaker) I was on the verge of quitting school altogether. I went to the art studio, where I always found peace and tranquility, to find my art teacher, Sr. Frances Agnes, there cleaning up after the day. I began to help her clean, and talk to her about why I was there blowing off steam in the "art studio". She put a camera in my hand, told me to go take pictures. I was hooked. I learned it solved my passion for art (while I can draw some things, I am not as talented as I am with a camera). She took care of the principal problem, and I went on to graduate high school and college. 

Never am I without a camera close by. While my collection includes many photographs of  family and friends; my favorite subject is nature in all of her glory. From trees, streams, waterfalls, trees, snow, flowers, and sunsets. God's ultimate paintbrush is amazing. There are times when what I view through a camera lens is so amazing it takes my breath away. I am always in shock (and awe) when something I have taken a picture of takes my breath away. I found one of those shots yesterday when looking for a photo to mount for a gift. As I stated it honestly took my breath away. 

For those who know me, and know me well, I am not one to put anything out on display. However lately, I am finding as I look through my work, I would not mind having it shown. Okay so maybe I am setting myself up for failure, but one never knows until they try. So one of these days I am going to place my heart (and soul) out on display for all to see. 

What is the moral of this post you ask...find something you love to do, enjoy it daily! 

08 June 2011

Tired of the Political Back Stabbing

"I can't be out of money, I still have checks left," this was a line that was on a t-shirt during the 1990's when the House banking scandal was in full swing. Politicians did not learn their lesson then, nor have they learned their lessons now. 

If Joe American does not have the money to spend on fancy dinners, flowers, jewelry --- wait what am I saying, people that receive public assistance do dress to the nines, drive fancy vehicles (BMW, Cadillac, Lexus, Mercedes), wear enough jewelry for me to make my car payments for a few months, and have the audacity to stand in line with people who are working and trying to make ends meet, yell at the clerk when they didnt get a check and/or food stamps. Before you get riled up, I am all for the man or woman who is working, trying to feed a family who need food stamps or WIC. I am speaking of the dead beats who have never held a job, don't want to work, and expect you and I to pay for their lifestyle of luxury. 

Instead of giving big business tax breaks or subsidizing them, have them put people back to work. I know a very novel idea. Stop giving my tax dollars to every foreign country that is looking for a handout. I read an article last week where the Prime Minister of Israel told America it didn't need their help, well then give us back the $4B we gave to you, and when you need our help let us know. Bring home our troops, yes I do realize that we need to station men and women around the world on the bases we have their, however the U.S. is not the world police though we have been acting like it for the past few years. Close our borders, deport all illegals (before you state it is not legal, yes it is, three presidents did just that in the 20th century), place our military at the borders, since every other nation in the world does this so should the U.S. There is an email I am sure every one has seen about crossing a border and ending up in jail, the U.S. is the only place where you get a driver's license, food stamps, medicaid. Is there something wrong with this picture?????

Open your eyes America, politicians are spending our children's and grandchildren's money so fast that they cannot even fathom it. Politicians work for you and I, not the other way around. Also most politicians have never read the Constitution of the United States of America. I had to read it for a history class in high school and college, were they absent those weeks in high school and college??? To the politician who claims he has the right NOT to pay into Social Security, NO YOU DON'T. You would be surprised at the lack of care our senior members of society get when on Medicare. You caused this, not them they worked, they paid into a system which you bankrupted. 

04 June 2011

On Being a Strong Woman...

"...A woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until she is put in hot water..."

While away on vacation last weekend with my best friend she stated to me, "All of my friends are such Type A, strong women". When she said this I was taken aback, and quite possibly a tad bit offended. However, looking back now a week later, she is right, I am a strong woman. Why was I taken aback? I try my very best not to "stand out" like many "Type A" personalities are. I admire this type person because they are willing to stand on a soap box, willing to have people ridicule them, and are not always "politically correct". I think of myself as a woman who has come through adversity, being that I have come through it, I hope that I may save another heartache, I will voice my opinion. While I will voice my opinion, I do my very best to never hurt another intentionally, ever. The truth hurts, if you are not prepared to hear it, do not ask for my opinion.

What to Name Your Blog...

I was thinking of other things when creating this place for me to stand on my soapbox. I could have called it "The Soap Box" or "Evening Sunset" or any other cutesie by line however, I could not decide so I kept it simple and easy, thus "flavia's place".

I began a blog a couple years ago, it disappeared when I didn't keep adding to it so I will do better this time to keep up my blog, keep writing, and expressing myself. I will also try my best to keep my opinions short and to the point, other times I may not be able to.

So with this said, let the fun begin....here is the link to my last blopgspot so you all know a little more about me & how I think....  http://www.hdlovers912project.blogspot.com/

01 June 2011

Modern Technology & the Old Fashioned Girl

I AM TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGED!!!! If you do not believe me, ask my daughter how many times she has had to talk me through posting something on my Facebook or MySpace page. Or better yet ask the tech guru's at my local Verizon store how many times they saw me before I was comfortable using my new "smart" phone with a touchscreen & too many applications for me to fathom, that made me feel like a complete idiot.

While using my compueter last week, it caught a virus. Before you ask, "YES, I have virus software". However it did not wipeout the virus before it made a mess of my desktop, files & other things. Friends are a great thing to have, especially the tech savvy type who can figure it all out. Now you are wondering how I am writing this....I have a notebook I purchased to take with me when I travel. While it might not be great for playing grames, it is however wonderful for reading email, posting to my blog, and keeping in touch with family & friends on Facebook. It is also a great backup for when one doesn't take the necessary precautions against the nasty things that float around out in cyberspace.

Michael, THANK YOU for fixing my computer, and making me NOT feel like a complete idiot!!!!