17 December 2013

Welcome to H#LL

I live at the "Residences of Bexley Woods" here in Columbus, Ohio. When I moved into my apartment, in November of 2011, the property was owned by a company called "New Life Properties". The property was NOT in good condition, however it wasn't in as bad of shape as it is today. New Life may not have been the best of landlords, however they were not the worst. On July 1, 2012 a bankruptcy judge placed the property into receivership with McKinley out of Michigan. When I spoke to the manager at the beginning of December, she stated the following, "...the property is now owned by C-III, out of Texas...". When I came home and investigated this "new" owner, I found out that C-III has NO properties within Ohio. When looking further at the tax records, it lists C-III as a division of US Bank, whom is the actual owner of the property. 

When I moved in the ad in the "Apartment Guide" boasted a 24/7 fitness center, 24/7 security, two pools, two tennis courts, basketball court, a sand volleyball court, playground, plus tanning facilities.It also boast that the property is on a public transportation line, when in fact it isn't. The pool has not been opened since 2010, yet the management company did not pro rate any of the tenant's rent for the pools not being operational. In July of 2012 the property was place in receivership. It was placed with McKinley, a "management" company. Well they do not know the definition of the word management. Mediocre management at least handles the safety issues on a property without having said property sited numerous times by Franklin County Code Enforcement.

The posted office hours are posted at M-F 9:00a.m. - 6:00p.m., Saturday 10:00a.m. - 4:00p.m., and Sunday 12:00N - 4:00p.m. If the office staff has ever adhered to this schedule I would be very surprised. I have been at the office at 9:00a.m. with no one there.Throughout the day when calling the office you get the after hours voice recording, many times the office staff never stays until the posted closing time. The "rental specialists" have no idea what "good customer service" is, let alone how to handle maintenance requests or complaints from the tenants. If a property manager cannot handle the office, how are they supposed to handle a property with 600+ units.

The first manager (we are currently on #3, the last one left after "the office staff torpedoed him at every corner", a GOOD property manager would have fired the office staff and hired new), spent tens of thousands on "beautification" around the office so anyone looking to rent within the complex saw the "beauty" but not the true "beast"; i.e. furnaces that are original to the property (a/k/a "blue bombers"), holes along the fence line where others have crossed over the Norfolk-Southern railroad tracks to cut through to James 
Road and points beyond; stairs leading to and from apartments are crumbling, when replaced they have been replaced with woods that becomes slick when rained or snowed upon, exposed electrical wiring where the carriage lights meet the ground, and other numerous things that have to be seen. When approaching the management this past spring about the pools being opened, their excuse was "we don't have the money", well when I called the attorney that was handling the bankruptcy and receivership it seems that money flowed into the place to get the pool closest to the office open, equipped with $10K worth of patio furniture, the pool opened the second Monday in September, after a summer of extremely high temperatures, however NO notice was made to the tenants that the pool was up and running. 

Let's not even talk about "lawn maintenance/snow removal", both just aren't worth what they were paid. Per the management we have a new lawn maintenance/snow removal company. 

In early November, the security which was on the property from 8pm to 4am, then 10am to 4pm daily, NOT the 24/7 that they boasted in the apartment brochure, or promised the tenants that there is; quit without notice. That left the property open to vandalism, handicap parking spots not being monitored, and juveniles roaming the property causing havoc and destruction. So for the last month and a half there has been no security and promises of next week, for weeks. This is NOT how you run a property.  There have been numerous tenants that have broken their leases and moved out; and the next month the management company takes them to court for failing to pay their rent, thus leading to a court eviction being placed on the tenants record and credit report.  Wonder how those ex tenants will feel when the next time they go to rent or to buy a home are giving the word on that eviction for nonpayment of rent. The property management put up a handicapped parking sign and marked out a handicap parking space. Needless to say the parking space does not meet ADA standards in that it is only 84inches wide when it is suppose to be a minimum of 96 inches wide.

Well that destruction hit home yesterday. For the past six or seven months I have had a bird feeder outside my window. Last Thursday I put a suet cake out for the birds. Both were on stakes, to be honest no one ever touched them, not even the lawn maintenance company which came once a week to mow and trim ever touched the shepherds hooks. Yesterday, someone smashed the feeder, breaking it and spilling the seed upon the ground; the person then took the suet cage & cake and left it close by. I tried repeatedly to call the office about this, but no one was in the office to answer the phones. I called Columbus Police whom told me that there was nothing that they could do because this is "private property".   Needless to say when I spoke with the "manager" this morning (17 Dec 2013) I was told that there would be security on site either Wednesday or Thursday. When I stated what had happened to my property I was told, "well they cannot watch your apartment 24/7" no they cannot, but when security is on-site and known, there is less vandalism and vehicles properly parked (NO handicap violations).

Another problem is that we supposedly have a subcontractor that is suppose to come around once a week and clean the foyers outside of our apartments. This is to include sweeping under the stairs and removing the cobwebs that are found all over the place.  Well we are lucky if the said company shows up every two weeks.  When they do show up they do a half assed job and most of the time they do not remove the cobwebs or sweep under the stairs.  This is suppose to be part of what my rent covers.  I had to clean my own foyer this past weekend as I was having a holiday party at my apartment for some of mine and my fiance's friends from his school.  I couldn't allow them to come here and see the mess in the foyer.  I informed the property manager that seeings how I had to do someone elses job that I was taking twenty dollars out of next months rent.

AT the time that I am writing this, there are a few things in my apartment that still need to be fixed: I have cove base that is not installed properly, a toilet seat that is missing a bolt, other 1/2 bath still has not had cove based installed. Needless to say, I am NOT signing my new lease without these things being completed to my satisfaction. After all I am the one paying the rent.

The property is in complete disarray and for some unknown reason the property management company does not or will not do what needs to be done to bring it up to the level that it should be at.  The property management companies constant excuse is that they don't have the money or that they have only taken on the property recently and these things take time.  Well they have had the property for a year and a half so far, but apparently all they care about is getting the rent in to them on time and the hell with the quality of life here at the property.

06 December 2013

Open Letter to William Meggs

December 6, 2013

State Attorney William Meggs
State Attorney's Office
301 South Monroe Street
Suite 475
Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-2550

Dear Mr. Meggs:

Yesterday I watched the circus you called a press conference regarding Jameis Winston. You sir, at the onset should have recused yourself from this case. The reasons: You are an alumni of Florida State University (FSU) -- that in and of itself is enough for an "honest" man to NOT get involved in a high profile case of any kind. You allowed your feeling for your alma mater to cloud your judgement into this matter. As a former Marine, you have disgraced the uniform and creed of the the Corps, how do I know you ask, my father was a Marine, he served proudly as a Marine from the day he entered boot camp until the day we placed him in his grave; also I was married to a Marine, a Gunny whom schooled me in everything "Esprit de Corps". You have failed as a man. You failed the oath you took as an attorney. You are being praised as a "hero" all over the FSU campus, however you are nothing but another politician who has NOT protected the people you work for, the taxpayers (or in this case, a taxpayer).

You stated in your news conference that there were two contributors in the rape kits, one was definitely Jameis Winston, the other was undetermined at this time. Where I come from, that is enough evidence to charge a man with sexual assault, which is a if I am not mistaken a Class A felony in the state of Florida (which would make Mr. WInston inelligble to play football, or remain a cadidate for the Heisman). That alone would have made the perpetrator, Jameis Winston eligible for booking, mug shot, and fingerprinting. You, and the police/sheriff's department did NOT investigate this at all. The ONLY reason it came to light was because the victim was in the ER having an Sexual Assault Examination (SAE) done and having the SAE kit placed in cold storage for testing. 

You brought up the fact that the hospital took blood from the victim, it was tested for alcohol, but no where did you say her blood contained Gamma-Hydroxybutric Acid (GHB) better known as the "date rape drug" of choice, which is widely available through any freshman chemistry student. You violated her again before the press because you wanted to be "Big Man on Campus" so to speak. You brought up the fact that the accused in this admitted he had sexual relations with her, do the words, "SHE SAID NO" ring any bells? It should, it was in the Oscar winning movie, "The Accused". If a woman, any woman says the word "NO" it means just that. Unfortunately you gave every man in the state of Florida permission to rape. 

What about other victims of rape? What happens when they show up at a hospital? Are the police/sheriff's departments going to "sweep" those under the rug also? Are you going to stop investigating them altogether? Are you going to say to parents of female students, "We don't give a damn about your daughters as long as we have a winning football season"? My guess would be a resounding, "YES" to all three of those questions. 

You Mr. Meggs are no better than Jameis Winston.

Flavia Marzullo

22 November 2013

JFK: 50 Years Later

Today is the 50th Anniversary of the assassination of the 35th President of the United States of America, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. While I am too young to remember (I was born in 1962) I do know from what I have read that he was a DINO (Democrat In Name Only) in today's terms. I truly believe that had he not been killed we as a nation would be very different today.

I believe that while JFK was a womanizer and unfaithful to Jackie, he was NEVER unfaithful to the oath he took as a Naval Officer and the President of the US. He was honorable when dealing with others, he wanted racial equality in everything thus his brother Robert pressing President Johnson to sign into effect the Civil Rights Act in 1964, and the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

JFK was a man before his time. He asked Americans with his inaugural address, not what your country could do for you but what you could do for your country. Maybe I am old fashioned enough to think that every young man & woman should do something for their country, whether serve in the armed forces or "VISTA" as it was called in the 1960's & 1970's, now known as Ameri Corps VISTA.

When we think of Presidents as a whole, we think of them as men in their plus 50's, whom are far removed from the American people. It was Jackie whom did not allow this. She opened the White House to tours, so that all Americans could see where the President lived. While many at the time criticized her for this, many saw her as a visionary of what the White House, the First Lady, and President should be.

I think of JFK were alive today he would be very disgusted with the way Congress and the office of the President of the United States have been acting. First of all, he fought in WWII to prevent communism from taking over the world, he would have seen right through President Obama, and what he is doing to our nation. As for Congress, I do think he would have been down on the floor of both houses, telling them to "get their collective sh*t together". I am also positive he would have NEVER not covered his heart while reciting the pledge, laughing while the flag is raised, or ask that the Armed Forces remove "GOD" from their oath.

You see while JFK might have been raised with a silver spoon in his mouth, he served this country as a man. First as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, then as a Congressman, and then our President.

16 November 2013

Student Newspaper v. 1st Amendement

I am happy that these high school newspaper students thought enough to address the school mascot name in the school paper, and with the school board. While their plea NOT to use the school's "REDSKINS" mascot name in print in the school newspaper, their plea fell on deaf ears as the school board declined their request.
My question is: Is by blocking this request, squashing their First Amendment Right to free speech? Understand that I am throwing this out here for discussion because truly I feel that the students rights have been trampled.
While I understand that the School Board makes the by-laws for the school district, the curriculum, and the budget, which by the way includes a school newspaper. Maybe it is time for the School Board to take a class in high school civics, where The Constitution is not only taught but discussed throroughly (or it least it was when I was in school).
If you google the Neshaminy School DIstrict, there has been a request from a Native American parent, and the Pennsylvania Human RIghts Commission (PHRC) to cease using the "Redskins" as the school mascot. In CNY alone, Livverpool High School was forced to cease using "Warriors" as well as Central Square "Redmen" as their mascot names. While I feel both can be used as "slurs" the CNY region has true ties to the Native American nations. Onondaga's, Mohawks, Oneida's, Iroquois, Cayuga's, Seneca's, & Tuscarora's. What many do not realize is that those of us raised in the CNY region embrace our beginnings as Native American settlements.
Maybe I am making a mountain out of an anthill, however I feel as if these students rights were violated. To my teacher friends, can you please help me to understand why the district would vote this way.


11 November 2013


Someone, whom at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the USA for an amount up to, and including their life. That is beyond honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer remember this fact. This is dedicated to all our brothers and sisters, moms, dads, husbands, wives and many more that serve our country. 

Veteran's Day began with a treaty. A treaty according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary is as follows: "an official agreement that is made between two or more countries or groups. "...At the eleventh hour, On the eleventh day, in the eleventh month of the year..." was how the Treaty of Versailles was agreed upon to end the "The Great War". In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson declared that November 11th was the holiday to be known as "Armistice Day" with the following words: "...To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing in which it has freed us and because the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations..."

To many people it is just another "holiday" to sleep in, get some housework done, grocery shop, or do something that has nothing to do with why this holiday was begun. 

While we have become a nation that has forgotten all about the many battles our veteran's have faced in their life. Some of the biggest battles they have waged are NOT on the battlefield but on the streets of this country where they were spat upon when they returned home; or with the red tape & bureaucracy that entangles them NOT to get the services they need to lead a productive life after military service. 

Do our children know of these things? My answer to that would be a huge, emphatic, "NO" because we want to raise a kinder, gentler American child. To those whom are reading this that think this way, please remember the following quote, "...Those who fail to remember the past are condemned to repeat it..." it seems that people forgot after 1918, that there was never supposed to be another "war" however war again raised its very ugly head in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. Then again in 1953, with the Korean War, then again in 1955 with the Viet Nam War; in 1991 in Desert Storm, and currently first in Iraq then into Afghanistan after the events of 9/11.

It seems to many in this country that we are the "World's Policeman". In many ways we are, we do what no other country on this earth will, fight oppression and freedom. Our men and women in uniform hold precious our freedoms that they are willing to fly to a distant land, live without the creature comforts of home (showers, hot meals, seeing their loved ones) all to preserve what many take for granted, "freedom". Why is it millions come here legally and illegally to the United States, I can only think of one word, "freedom". 

Every day when you see a veteran, whether he is in uniform or wearing a ball cap, walk up to him or her and say, "THANK YOU". If you are in a restaurant and see a group of veterans, pick up the tab or send dessert over, let them know they matter, and that their service was not in vain.

To the men and women of the ARMY, NAVY, AIR FORCE, MARINES, & COAST GUARD, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

27 October 2013

Dear Mom...

Dear Mom,


Today is your 87th birthday. Today I will do my best not to cry as I think of all of your birthday's we shared together. Some of the things I remember about your birthday: Liberty Bakery Italian Creme filled cakes; the year one of the mom's brought you a cake shaped like a "witch" to celebrate your birthday with all the kids you babysat for; surprising you with a 75th birthday party (it was tough getting you out of the house that day -- thank God for Larry & Kathy whom took you out shopping & to lunch) you were so mad at me for having a party but in the end you loved every moment of it; suppers at Red Lobster, and Valley's Steakhouse. You never forgot our birthdays, and always made a big deal about our birthdays. I also remember the last couple of birthdays we had for you; you enjoyed seeing your family, your godchildren and their families.

I miss you mom, I miss your stories of when your were a young girl growing up, living here in your hometown of Columbus I see the signs for Goodale Street, I took a ride on the number 11-St. Clair bus, which runs up St. Clair Avenue; I miss making cookies at Christmas, shopping at the mall, cooking & talking, most of all I miss your sage advice. I wish I would have written everything you said down, so I could look it up. I thank you for teaching me about faith, not my Catholic faith, but the blind faith one has to have that God will answer your prayers. 

I won't keep you mom, just know that I love you, and miss you. 

Love, flavia

26 October 2013

Personal Reseponsibility

This nation has become a nation of "TAKERS" and not "GIVERS". Well let me rephrase that, we as Americans give millions to other countries (Haiti, Japan, etc) when they have devastating earthquakes & tsunami's. We have veteran's sleeping on the streets, we have poor & starving children here at home, please don't say well they can apply for food stamps and assistance. Do you have any idea what it takes to get foods stamps these days? After filling out the forms, either online or in person, you may have to wait up to 10 days for an interview, after that it may take 30-45 days to be approved. I am all for the person that is trying but is NOT making it on their take home pay to apply and get food stamps. But if you apply for public assistance because you NO LONGER want to work, then I have a huge problem with it. I see way too many people on public assistance with the newest iPhone, new vehicles, designer handbags, shoes, clothes, gold & diamonds. It angers me that one no longer has to work while receiving public assistance. When President Clinton the "Welfare to Work" law into effect, many who were on public assistance were forced to get a job (even part-time is better than no job at all). When President Obama repealed this law our Public assistance roles exploded, If you do not believe me see the graph at the bottom of the page. As a whole we have become lazy, and complacent. Well it is time for all of us to get up off our collective asses. I worked from the time I was sixteen years old, I did whatever job I could find. It seems our teenagers are more adept at hanging on the street corner, skipping school, robbing stores at gunpoint, becoming gang bangers, drug dealers, and carjackers then becoming PRODUCTIVE, RESPONSIBLE young adults. We need to lead by example, how is a child to learn about working if her sees his parent(s) not working. Flipping burgers, housekeeping at a hotel/motel, washing cars, sweeping floors, picking vegetables & fruit, are not beneath you. More and more I see people whom do not speak the English language working hard for their wages. I would much rather have an illegal alien whom works hard every day on food stamps then someone whom refuses to work getting them. My opinion is: IF YOU WORK HARD AND ARE STILL UNABLE TO FEED YOUR FAMILY THEN YOU DESERVE TO RECEIVE WHATEVER PUBLIC ASSISTANCE YOU CAN GET.   

We have become a nation that has NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. When I was growing up my parents didn't have credit cards, they didn't go into debt to pay for games systems, tv's for our bedrooms, cell phones, cars, designer clothing, or anything else today's youth seems they are entitled to without working for it. Personal responsibility is a choice many in this country refuse to make. They refuse to work, they have children they cannot afford nor do they discipline; when the child becomes a gang member does something to break the law she is the first one to shout "NOT MY CHILD". We as parent's are responsible for everything our children do and say until they become young adults. We have to instill in them that in order to have a quality life you must work hard, get an education, and become a productive member of society.

Hollyrude is one of our biggest problems. Our children and young adults think they can live the life of a movie star, rap star, or hip-hop artist. Hollyrude portrays gangsters in such a positive light that our young people strive to be just like them. Of all the rap stars that are out there, I admire one; LL Cool J. Why? Because he knows what hard work and dedication are. He is family oriented, he is not afraid to show his faith in God. I rarely see his name in the gossip sheets (Enquirer, Star). Hollyrude has also given us another huge trend: unwed mothers whom are glorified in the press. Used to be being an un-wed mom was something a young woman was shunned for. Now it is all the rage. I am all for carrying a child to full term and giving birth. However, if you cannot afford or are not emotionally prepared to be a parent, please give that child up for adoption.

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is hard work. It is something that many in this country do not want to do or prefer to have the government do it for them.

17 October 2013

No Taxation...

"The Boston Tea Party of December 16, 1773, took place when a group of Massachusetts Patriots, protesting the monopoly on American tea importation recently granted by Parliament to the East India Company, seized 342 chests of tea in a midnight raid on three tea ships and threw them into the harbor."* 

This event changed AMERICAN history, period. The colonist fought because we did NOT have representation. The same is happening today. We have members of Congress that WE THE PEOPLE elected, put there to voice our opinions, our dreams. They on the other hand have used it as a stepping stone to ULTIMATE power and untold riches. 

With power comes great responsibility. 

We need to re-think whom our leaders are, and stop the insanity that they call CONGRESS. We all have a voice, but it is obvious that we have forgotten how to use it. Well my friends, we all need to stand up and say, "STOP, this is NOT what I wanted from you when I elected you" to every Congressman and Senator. 

I grew up in AMERICA, a Constitutional Republic, with a STRONG moral backbone, with an economy that was decent. We need to go back, in order to go froward. 

FIND YOUR VOICE, a letter seems something archaic in this world of technology with email; but flooding your representatives offices with real US MAIL will bring this point into view immediately, that WE THE PEOPLE are really pissed off.   


28 August 2013

"I Have A Dream..."

Fifty years ago today Martin Luther King Jr., marched in Washington D.C. and gave one of the most epic speeches ever given in the nations capital. Like John F. Kennedy's innagural address to the nation it is one of the most quoted speeches in this country. To be very honest I never heard or read the entire speech until I was in college, while I did know whom Dr. King was, I did not realize the impact his words had on this nation. Have we learned anything since Dr. Martin marched in Washington? I would truly love to think we have learned lessons from the turbulent 1960's.

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the march on Washing ton D.C. I am posting Dr. King's speech::  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyR8h9iimw4

The Harmony Project has put together a wonderful four-minute video of the speech. It is truly wonderful, and I am happy to share it with all of you:


On this day, let all of us stand together, and remember that while on the outside each of us looks different on the inside we are all the same; muscle, heart, liver, spleen, stomach, blood, and brain. God made each of us in His own likeness, maybe it is time for all of us to remember this. 

25 August 2013

Recent Deaths....

The first murder that I heard about was Christopher Lane, an Australian honor student whom was out training as was his daily regimen. He was gunned down on a city street, strangers, Samaritans like the man in the bible whom took care of the man whom was beaten in the bible, came to this young man's aid and tried valiantly to save his life. The second story I read was about Delbert Belton, an 88 year-old veteran. That is right, 88 years old, he made it through WWII, came home, made a living, had a family, retired, and was out waiting for a friend to show up so they could go bowling. The man whom would most likely given the hoodlums whatever they wanted beat and robbed him, left him to doe in a parking lot. This man by all accounts was minding his own business. 

While reading some of the news accounts in the Christopher Lane case I was sickened by one young man's twitter feed stating he wanted to take lives. In the case of Delbert Belton the suspect whom was arrested is "not talking" and his accomplice is 16 years old and being hunted like a dog with rabies. For Spokane, this incident is raising concern as it should. 

Now some questions for the parents of the parent(s): Where did your son learn such disregard for life? Where did he obtain a gun? Are you still in denial he did this? Do you honestly think he will be granted leniency because of his age? We teach our children every day, by what we voice, what we do, how we treat others. It is obvious that this young man killed not only because he was "bored" but because he deemed it was his "right". Now he will lose all of his rights when he becomes part of the prison population. 

Some other thoughts....Since the State of FL vs. George Zimmerman trial and verdict there have been a few more deaths that have made the news as of late however no one has come out to protest these killings. My question is why? Is the person whom was killed less valuable than Mr. Martin? Or is it because the color of their skin is NOT the same as Mr. Martin's? I ask this because it seems that every time a white person murders a black person the "race" card seems to be brought up by Rev. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or the President, or community leaders whom cannot see that there is a problem in their own communities, my own included where in the last three days there have been six shootings, and three deaths. Does it stem from illegal drug use, or something more deprived? 

I do not have the answers, all I know is that on Wednesday this nation will celebrate one of the most epic speeches ever given by human being. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. begged all of us to live in peace, to accept one another, to walk hand in hand with one another. Maybe it is time we begin to stop seeing color, and begin seeing each other as people.



14 July 2013

George Zimmerman Trial & Verdict

We have a system in this country that allows men and women to be tried and convicted by a jury of their own peers. In my opinion the state rushed to trial (as they did in the Casey Anthony case) without doing all of their homework. We as citizen's have to trust in the officials we elect into office (State Attorney General is an elected office) that they will do their jobs. In the state of FL I would have to say that they need to do more groundwork before going to trial at the cost of the taxpayers. 

The defense attorney's did their job by defending their client, that is their job, they took apart the state's case piece by piece and made their case that Mr. Zimmerman was afraid of Mr. Martin, thus justified and in self defense.

To the people whom think "The Gun Nuts" have won, we didn't win. This is another case of someone who shouldn't be allowed a "Concealed Carry" permit, or in my opinion a gun permit at all. The Second Amendment is for the people's protection, if you look at history where a government took away the people's right to bear arms, those countries became dictatoships or communist. Or in the case of Adollph Hitler a country that killed over six million because of their race. 

In the end there are NO winners, a young man is dead; another man has a death on his conscience.

27 June 2013

Politicians Cannot Read!!!

What I gather from everything I am reading is that those we have elected to represent us in Washington, D.C. either cannot or better yet refuse to read before voting on any Bill put before them. The link below is an interview with House Majority Leader Rick Cantor. It is very enlightening. 

Is this a problem? Yes, for those of us who keep seeing more of our liberties taken away by tyrannical politicians whom think that they know what is best for us, it is a HUGE problem. I for one would like to know what are in the bills (Immigration/Amnesty, Obamacare) that the politicians that are placing their vote on, on my behalf. 

If you cannot read a bill thoroughly why would you vote on it? Because money talks in D.C.? Or because someone is forcing your hand to do so? Or are you showing your constituents you really do NOT give a damn about them? Can someone please answer me, or are all the phone lines to the nations capitol on hold or better yet, re-routed to somewhere in Asia to be answered by a customer service representative whom cannot speak English? I will take the answer number 4, because this is definitely what it feels like when I call my Representative's or Senator's office, or even the Speaker of the House, John Boehner's office.

I am tired of being walked upon by those in Washington who swore upon a bible the day they took office to "...uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America..." but have NEVER read this living, breathing document that made this country into what it is, or rather was when men like Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy, & Reagan were the men whom occupied the Oval Office of the White House (which by the way belongs to the people of the United States of America). 

Wake up Senators & Representatives of "We The People" your days are numbered in your current occupations. If you were in the private sector you would not be working for very long, some are not fit to flip burgers at a fast food joint or wash dishes at a restaurant. Remember, just as we voted you into office, we CAN and WILL vote you out.  

24 June 2013

Toddler's & Tiara's

For those of you whom do not know what I am talking about, tune into TLC on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. for a whole new meaning of the title "Stage Mother". Some of these women need to get a grip on reality, truly! Dressing your yet to be 2 yr old on up in dresses that cost a fortune, tweezed eyebrows, making them up like street walkers is NOT good for any child, let alone a girl. 

Childhood should NOT be filled with the angst of "not being good enough to win the 'supreme trophy' at the end of the pageant" it should be filled with playing, pre-k, potty training, jumping rope, playing hopscotch, have tea with your friends, and making mud pies. I doubt that any of the little girls I saw on television last night is allowed to do any of those things, let alone get dirty. 

PLEASE, please, please don't tell me your child just LOVES to do this, they don't their crying as your make them up, rehearse constantly, tease their hair (one little girl looked as if she was losing her hair due to all of the processing that was done to it). If you have to bribe your child to sit still long enough to have makeup put on, have rollers taken out, or do it one more time for momma it means you as a parent have crossed a line. I saw one child through a fit because she didn't win the top prize, my initial reaction was, that child needs a swat on the behind and a nap! By the way, a swat on the behind NEVER killed any child, period! 

Honestly I blame the parents whom think that this will make their child more popular, it wont. LIFE is NOT a popularity contest, period. If you truly think it is, you need to honestly take a good long look at your finances, your home life, and your other children that by the way you are neglecting because you are raising the next Little Miss Sunshine, Miss California Tropic, Miss whatever pageant you are at. While I think that a young lady at twelve or thirteen whom wants to enter a local pageant to see if she can make it is all well and good, however anything younger than that is way too damn young!!!

For all of the father's out there whom allow their little girls to be tarted out, then put on stage every weekend or other weekend, grow a set. Say, "NO" to your wife, sure she isn't going to sleep in your bed, do your laundry, or cook your supper however you will be showing the world you wear the pants in your family and you refuse to have your child dangled like a piece of meat for all to see and bid on. Good self esteem is built when children are raised with God, morals, rules, and boundaries. If you do not believe me ask Dr. James C. Dobson, a Child Developement expert. 

Don't our girls have enough to contend with as they become young ladies? Peer pressure for them to be thin (anorexia, bulimia), popular (sexually promiscuous), and being like the starlets they see in Hollyrude. 

Yes, now I will get off my soapbox and put it away! 

03 June 2013

Best Friends Forever

BFF. Best Friends Forever for the older crowd who haven't quite mastered the lingo of the younger less talkative, less imaginative, and oh yes, less literate than most of us old folk. But I digress, forgive me please! 

What makes a BFF, well in most cases it is the person sitting next to you in jail while you wait for someone to bail your butt out of jail, nudging you saying, "That was a blast, we need to do it again, but let's not get caught the next time!" or the one holding your hand as chemo drips into your body to kill the cancer that is eating you alive; or last but not least, it is the person that has been there through thick and thin no matter what, no matter where, no matter when. 

That is the way it was with my mom, and her best friend Terri. Mom and Terri were born on the very same day, hours apart. They were closer than sisters, each of them had sisters, both of them had two each. They learned about life together, walked to school together, married Marine's, Terri's husband Jules & my father Ralph were best friends (best friends marrying best friends how could it get any better?). Both Terri and my mom weathered their husbands fighting in WWII, not knowing (yes I said NOT knowing) whether they were alive or dead on any given day. 

Terri stayed in their hometown of Columbus, Ohio and raised a family; while my mom and dad moved to his hometown of Syracuse, New York to settle down and raise a family. They never failed to get together during the summer when my mom & dad would travel to Ohio so my mom could visit her family. Never once did a birthday go by that they didn't call one another (back then a long distance phone call was a huge thing). As the years went by, Jules passed away, then my father, but the girls (as they called themselves) never wavered in their friendship or love for one another.

Last month, Terri met again with the love of her life Jules, and saw her best friend Jane. You see the best friends are together again, talking, sipping coffee, laughing, exchanging photos, while sitting at God's kitchen table. You see best friends never end, ever. They go on into heaven.

Rest well, mom & Terri, you are a credit to your families, whom learned that friendship is a bond stronger than blood, that lasts forever.  

27 May 2013


For those of you whom think I am homophobic, listen and listen well, I AM NOT!!! I am very much the live and let live type woman. I harbor NO ill will towards anyone (okay, okay I am not fond of the used car salesmen we have in Washington, DC nor the President--those I wish would find a very large, short pier to walk off into the ocean!). 

If I read another headline about a "gay" ball player coming out, I will literally scream. You are a ball player, first. Your allegiance is to your team, the man who stares back at you in the mirror in the morning, and your significant other. I DO NOT care if you are gay, bi, or straight do your damn job and stop waving a flag for your personal life. Let's face some facts some of you shouldn't be waving a flag at all (i.e.: Drug Use, DUI, D&D, Domestic Abuse, Arrests, Probation) are NOT things to be proud of.

While I can remember a time when women were thought less than an equal of a man, and had to gain equality in the workplace and on the playing field. I remember an evening when Billie Jean King played tennis and won against Bobby Riggs, her parting shot to Riggs was a piglet. Billie Jean  along with Martina Navratilova broke the barrier, the glass ceiling so to speak . These women are lauded for their feats upon the tennis court not because of their sexual orientation.

GET OVER IT MEN!!! Women broke this barrier for you long ago and it was a much tougher sell to the public than you "coming out" of your locker to admit your "gay" to your team mates and the world. Yes, I get that you can finally breathe however which do you want to be remembered for?

Your record on the field? 

- or -

Your personal life?

The choice albeit rests with you, however I prefer to see the first, NOT the second!!!!

25 May 2013

Memorial Day

THANK YOU to the men and women who serve and have served our country without hesitation. Without your service this country would not be where she is today, the GREATEST place to live on earth.

WHAT IS MEMORIAL DAY:  Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving the United States Armed Forces. Formerly know as Decoration Day, it originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had be extended to honor all Americans who have died while in the military service.

This weekend we here in the United States celebrate "Memorial Day". Many of the younger generation see it as just another day off, or beginning of summer. But for those of us who have military ties, either with a family member whom served, it is a day of recollection, pondering, and to honor those whom have fallen, and those whom serve and have served. 

We have a generation of children whom have no idea what World War II, Korea, or Viet Nam are other than what they have read in a book or taught in the classroom (and to be honest I doubt that what they are even being taught is honest, and forthcoming). We have a generation of children whom have no idea the sacrifice of men and women who died and are buried in foreign lands, not because we (the United States) would not bring them home, but because back then we did not have the modern technology of today. There are many Veteran's Cemeteries across the country especially down south, where there are fences separating those whom fought for the Union and the Confederacy. Today's military is better equipped, better trained, and are still the most underpaid people in the world.  Our servicemen are HAPPY to serve our country because they know what freedom is. They take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, and they do that plus. 

Another thing, Why is it we pay major league ball players millions of dollars to play a game [let's face it some players are just trouble (drugs, alcohol, arrests, probation)], while we pay soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines less than the poverty level? Why is it our children worship these same players but do not know whom some of the greatest generals & war heroes are? There is something very wrong with this picture.

So this weekend as you watch a parade, grill hot dogs & hamburgers, sip lemonade, play horseshoes, watch fireworks, and celebrate with your family; bow your head, say a silent prayer for the men and women whom cannot be stateside to celebrate this holiday with their friends & family, those whom are lying in the gardens of stone, and those serving us so very far away. 

06 May 2013

Customer Service???!!!

Before I begin this rant, I need to say thank you to the gracious people whom do their jobs with a smile upon their face, without argument, when all they want to do is go home and put their feet up! YOU are all amazing!!!

Now onto my rant!

Where has customer service gone? Have we as people forgotten what "Excellent" customer service is? Have we just been so tired when we get to the repair shop, the grocery store, Macy's, Kohl's, Dave & Buster's, Wal-Mart, Big K, and Target, that we accept the attitude we are treated with? I for one am tired of it. 

Let me begin by explaining the situation: Over the past few months, my fiance and I have been shopping at the Wal-Mart close to our home. While it is a "Super Center" it is one of the smallest I have been in. It is also in a part of town that is not quite the best. While visiting this store, the first thing we encounter is a vehicle in the parking lot with expired tags, and a flat tire. We reported what we saw to the Customer Service desk, when we went back in a month later, the vehicle was still there in the very same place; yesterday we made a quick stop, lo and behold, the vehicle was still there. Hello???? Abandoned vehicles in a parking lot does NOTHING for your business!!!! On Saturday evening, when speaking with the front end manager about the deli being closed before the actual time they close, I mentioned the vehicle to her, and her response was it is being taken care of. We will see. 

While shopping at a "Dollar Tree" store over the weekend I was assaulted by a woman who was shoplifting, when I followed her to the front of the store and mentioned something to the cashier about her removing a marker from a four-pack of markers, she stood there with her mouth open. While I realize that most people would have just let it go because it is "just a buck" the problem is, when a store loses merchandise to shoplifting the rest of us pay. When the customer returned to the store, she walked up to me, hit me in the side of the head, and screamed, "Next time b*tch, mind your own damn business!", if my fiance had not intervened I would have been on the floor. When checking out, the store manager apologized to me about the incident, and stated, "We don't have people report shoplifters", I held my tongue but thought, "I wonder why, if I was assaulted over a dollar item, what would happen if someone walked out with $10, or $20, or $30 worth of merchandise?". 

We went to the Speedway to fill the tank, when finished it asked, "Would you like a receipt?" my fiance hit the "yes" button but nothing happened. He went inside the store, waited in line ten minutes for a receipt, and was told, "I am one person, I cannot do it all!". Well part of your job is to make sure that all the pumps have receipt paper in them. Your job is to make sure that I (or any other customer) do not have to stand in line to get a receipt. I pay at the pump so I DO NOT have to wait in line!!! 

Yesterday, while I did not want to venture out of my home, I did. My fiance and I went to the Wal-Mart a few miles away from our home. What a difference ten miles can make. Everyone at the store, from the person at the deli, to the woman in the aisle stocking shelves, to the gentlemen in electronics, all had smiles on their faces, and were happy to be helping customers. We also went to Staples where we asked a some questions about printer ink, printable note cards, and some other office items, the clerk was happy to answer my questions, and when he didn't know he asked another. You see GOOD customer service exist we as the customers MUST demand it!

Yes I know what you are thinking, "how would she know what 'good' customer service is?" because all my life (I am 50) I have worked in service related jobs, whether it was being a receptionist, a cashier, an administrative professional, a manager, or a cashier. My best foot was put forth daily because I checked my attitude and baggage at the door. I always went out of my way to smile, be polite, get answers, do my job efficiently, do whatever was asked by my supervisors. While some would say, working in a grocery store is beneath them, remember "everyone has to eat!".  Here are the rules for all customer service professionals:

Rule Number One:  The customer is always RIGHT.

Rule Number Two:  See Rule Number One.

These rules are NOT hard, but they are the most important rules for anyone in the service industry. 

So I ask you again, "Where has GOOD customer service gone?" it is out there, but to insure it we as the customers have to be willing to do our part. On every receipt, there is a survey, take the survey, be honest about what you saw, how you were treated. Without feedback, a business may think they are doing well until they close their doors because of poor customer service. 

16 April 2013

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

For those of us whom grew up Catholic this is a prayer we learned and recited daily in school. For others this is a prayer that you learned to say whether in uniform or needing a prayer that would sustain you in your daily battle whatever that may be.

Today, as a country we need to begin praying this prayer daily. We as a country we are under attack from all sides. Whether it be Al-Qaeda, our leaders whom see fit to remove our Constitutional rights, our unborn whom cannot defend themselves, educators whom fail to teach the true curriculum of American History, and Hollywood actors whom have forgotten that the American public pays them when they attend a movie.

We the people of America, need to band together, pray together, and remember that when we “indivisible” we not only make our enemies angry, and as Charlie Daniels once sang, 

This lady may have stumbled, but she ain't ever fell. And if our enemies don't believe that, they can all go straight to hell. We're gonna put her feet back on righteousness and then, God bless America again.” 

So stand together with your family, co-workers, friends, and pray for those hurt yesterday in Boston, but most of all, PRAY FOR AMERICA, our way of life, our liberty, our service men & women, firefighters, police officers, our leaders, and our flag that it may always wave over us.

14 April 2013

Twitter & #HashTags

Technology has made all of us more social. We have MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs where we discuss everything from A to Z. While I have a blog I don’t always regularly contribute to, I do write one from time to time on the things that are important to me.

I am a new user to Twitter. While it took me a bit to get started, I do tweet daily, sometimes just to repost things I think others should see, other times just to say hello, and put up a daily pic I think others will enjoy. Some of the hash tags lately have been a bit controversial (#Gosnell, #LiberalsGrewUpWatching, #Impeach, #2ndAmend, #Benghazi, #Nobama just to name a few). However it is the younger generation that blows me out of the water each & every time that someone tweets something about President Obama, or his administration; while I do NOT agree with his political agenda nor his choices of cabinet members (mostly radical, liberal, communist players from the 60’s & 70’s) whom at one time or another saw the inside of a holding tank because of their actions. While I do know everyone makes mistakes, and is entitled to clear their name, these folks just kept doing what they were doing.

One of my tweets from this week was: #LiberalsGrewUpWatching “The Jefferson’s” Making them assume they’re entitled to everything without working for anything.” One of the young, tweeters responded to me with the following:  “…while #Conservatives complained about minorities moving on up” and “So now liberals don’t work? Not this whole 52% thing again…” This young man has much to learn about our past as a nation, and where we are headed. By the way, I didn't say every Liberal I just made a statement about what I see daily. I expressed my opinion, which I will assume he did not like because I am a white woman, whom is educated and knows how to read a spread sheet. Also maybe he is NOT familiar with “The Constitution” not the ship in Boston harbor, but the living, breathing document that keeps all of us “free”. Too many history teachers do NOT teach anything about the constitution other than what date it was put in place. This is the most important document other than the “Declaration of Independence” that we have as AMERICAN’s.

We are living in a country of children whom do not know what “work” is. When I state this I do not mean all children. There are many high school students working to support themselves or saving for college. There are also many parents out there whom believe that “working” never hurt a chld. I am one of those parents. My children work, and work hard for what they have. They grew up having chores, which by the way did NOT kill them. We give our children the technology but have we taught them to be responsible with it? While I am happy to see that there are many young people on twitter using it to voice their opinions, I truly wish they would look at the facts before they embarrass themselves for the world to see.

I do my very best to check things out before I post them to my Twitter page. I do a lot of reading & research before I tweet, thus only about 3500 tweets from me, many are re-tweets. While many might not like what I have to say, I have the right to say it. It is a guaranteed freedom under the First Amendment of The Constitution. 

02 March 2013

50+ and Loving It!

Yes, I just stated my age! No I am not shamed to say it out loud. Yes, I belong to AARP (though I am not fond of their political agenda). Yes I use my discount when I can. I am happy, healthy, and loving my life. I have found many secrets to being happy at 50+.

Eating well: Yes, I know it costs two to three times more to buy fresh food than to buy the packages. We have become a country of "easy". I do have a couple bags of frozen veggies in my freezer, a couple jars of spaghetti sauce in my pantry, however I make mac & cheese, chicken noodle soup, stir fry, vegetable soup and many other things from scratch. Find a high fiber bread that you like, white bread is a killer (yes pb&j is always better on white). Today so much emphasis is put on low carb, high protein, no carb, etc. We as Americans have got to start eating well. That means five to seven servings of veggies and fruits a day, cut down on fried food, the prepared meals in a bag/box/carton. Bring your lunch to work, not only will you save time & energy you will have time to read a chapter, do the crossword, or maybe even find "me time" in your work day. Drink water, cut down on caffeine, cut down on soda and energy drinks (most are full of sugar and caffeine). Find easy recipes that you can do in a crock pot that are nutritious, and flavorful. I found that using sea salt has benefits, don't have to use much to get the flavor. 

Exercise/Play:  Most of us know that we have to stay in motion to keep going. Does this mean bulking up or hitting the gym 7 days a week? No it means taking time to go for a walk, stretching after work (10 minutes of gentle stretching relieves the stress of the day). Even dancing to some music as you clean up the kitchen after supper can be considered exercise. While I am NOT fond of game consoles in homes with young children (our children do not play outside like we did when we were kids), playing a game or two tennis, bowling, golf, or one of the dance games on a Wii, Play Station, or XBox can be challenging and fun, it also makes us stand up and move around. Find an activity you enjoy and do it, dance, walk, ride a bike, hike, wander a state park, it will keep you moving. 

Love: There are many types of love...Love of family, children, God, country, recipes, etc. However finding the "right" person to be with is most important. I was not seeking when love found me. It found me through a website, I answered a question he had posted on his profile. We began to talk, the more we talked, the more I liked. He said to me one night, "I am falling in love with you". It took me by surprise, and to be honest it shocked me a bit. Someone 'loved" me? WOW! It was a new concept, it took some getting use to, but it is the very best thing that has happened to me other than my children. He is kind, considerate, gentle, loving, opens my car door, he holds my hand, he whispers in my ear at the grocery store, and makes me giggle. And yes, I love him, deeply. 

Laughter:  "... I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner..." was said by Audrey Hepburn. She was right. I will be honest it took a good man to show me that laughter can cure anything. As I stated the love of my life makes me giggle, sometimes the giggles just turn to laughter. He counts the times a day he makes me smile, giggle, and laugh, what was a few times when we first met, has turned into at least 50 or more times a day. Laughter makes us young. 

Make Memories: Technology has made it simpler to take pictures, print & share them. I received a photo album for Christmas, every time my love and I do something fun (we toured St. Louis, out to supper at Schmidt's, walk in the park) we take pictures, print them, and put them in our photo album. Memories are meant to be shared so write a journal (notebook will do fine) of the times you want others to remember. It is especially important for us to do this with our parents & grandparents, their stories will live on as a testament of their lives. Take time to listen to what they are saying, write down the recipes, take pictures, and make memories. 

Last but not least, this quote says it all:

"Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt. 
Dance like nobody's watching."
-- Satchel Paige

23 January 2013



Saturday, May 12, 2012
The Real Cost of Illegal Immigration

We have been hammered with the propaganda that it was the Iraq war and the war on terror that is bankrupting us. I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I also have included the URL's for verification of all the following facts...

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments. Verify at: http://www.fairus.org/site/PageServer?pagename=iic_immigrationissuecenters7fd8 

2. $22 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. Verify at:http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.HTML 

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. Verify at:

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English! Verify at:http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt...0.HTML

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies. Verify athttp://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. Verify at: 

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens. Verify at:http://transcripts.CNN..com/TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt..01.HTML

8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers. Verify at:http://premium.cnn.com/TRANSCIPTS/0610/29/ldt.01.HTML 

9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens. Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRI

13. In 2006, illegal aliens sent home$45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin. Verify at: http://www/..rense.com/general75/niht.htm 

14. The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States. Verify at: http: //www.drdsk.com/articleshtml

Posted by Ron Garland at 8:19 PM 


20 January 2013


This is a re-post from my FB page, it is honest and forthcoming, and given to all of us by a National Treasure, Bill Cosby, whom ALWAYS tells it like it is, period.


They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English.
I can't even talk the way these people talk:
Why you ain't,
Where you is,
What he drive,
Where he stay,
Where he work,
Who you be...
And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.
And then I heard the father talk.
Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.
In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.
People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an Education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around.
The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.
These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids.
$500 sneakers for what?
And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.
I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.
Where were you when he was 2?
Where were you when he was 12?
Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol?
And where is the father? Or who is his father?
People putting their clothes on backward:
Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?
People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something?
Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body?
What part of Africa did this come from??
We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa .....
I say this all of the time. It would be like white people saying they are European-American. That is totally stupid.

I was born here, and so were my parents and grand parents and, very likely my great grandparents. I don't have any connection to Africa, no more than white Americans have to Germany , Scotland , England , Ireland , or the Netherlands . The same applies to 99 percent of all the black Americans as regards to Africa.. So stop, already! ! !

With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap ......... And all of them are in jail.
Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.
We have got to take the neighborhood back.
People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now.
We have millionaire football players who cannot read.
We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. We, as black folks have to do a better job.
Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us.
We have to start holding each other to a higher standard..
We cannot blame the white people any longer.'

Dr.. William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed..D.

It's NOT about color...
It's about behavior!!!

Gun Safety??!!

"Five people were wounded in accidents at gun shows in North Carolina, Ohio, and Indiana on Saturday, according to authorities."--NBC News 

Three people were wounded in an accidental shooting at a gun shou in NC when a man unzipping the case of his 12-gauge shotgun went off wounding three people with bird-shot pellet. On Ohio, an exhibitor was removing a gun from a box when it went off hitting his partner. and finally a man in Indianapolis shot himself in the hand while unloading his gun. I am going to dissect all three of these, and maybe make some sense out of them. WARNING:  I may be sarcastic at times. 

Here is some background on myself. I was raised by a Marine, who was and avid hunter and fisherman. He had rifles and a shotgun, as well as a pistol he bought while he was in the Marine Corps during WWII (he had a permit issued in 1946 by the Onondaga County Sheriff Dept.).  My father was meticulous, never did he put any of his firearms away dirty or loaded. If he had not gone hunting for a year, he would take his rifles & shotgun out to clean them, one by one, he would remove them and put them back in the locked gun cabinet in our home. His .22 caliber Colt he kept loaded, however without one in the chamber  so an accident would not happen. Whenever he would handle his pistol the very first thing he did was remove the clip, and pull back the slide to make sure that the weapon was not loaded. My brother and I learned these lessons so if we ever chose to have a firearms we would know how to hand them safely. While at this time I do not own a firearm, I do know how to handle one if need be. I did not start attending gun shows until after I was married (when we divorced I still attended them), I loved seeing all of the different models, calibers, and gauges. I enjoyed seeing the 2nd Amendment at work.

WHAT WERE THESE PEOPLE THINKING???? Obviously all of them do not care for their firearms or their firearm would have never been put away loaded!! Ever hear of cleaning your firearm after you have been in the woods hunting buddy? By the way, how does one shoot themselves in the hand while unloading their firearm, clip fall outs, slide pulls back neither of these things will put your hand in front of the barrel, either will opening the chamber of a "six shooter". So now I ask how the hell were you raised? Did you not take a hunter safety course? Or a course on how to load and unload your firearms safely so no one gets hurt??? These people make Elmer Fudd look like "Firearm Owner of the Year".

In the case where the man shot his partner while removing a firearm from a box, my question is this: You have an FFL to buy and sell firearms, did you not remove the firearm from the box to examine it? Remove the clip, or open the chamber to examine them? Pull the slide back to see if it was in working order? Look down the barrel to make sure the barrel was not tampered with? If you failed to do any of these things then you fine sir should have your FFL revoked, permanently!!!

Yes, I know that there are really stupid people out there. At times I am one of them, for me they are my "Blonde Moments", however never are any of these moments when I am around or handling a firearm. Never would I hand someone a firearm that I knew was loaded. What would have happened if one or all of those injured was a child? Let's face it, those of us whom have kids have brought them to a gun show to show them the 2nd Amendment at work. We would hear from those in Washington, "Outlaw Gun Shows", "Revoke All FFL's Except the ATF", it would NOT be pretty nor would any of us be safe from the criminals. 

I will not step off my soapbox, and return you to your normally scheduled programming which is already in progress. 

18 January 2013

Sandy Hook, The 2nd Amendment & Gun Control

This blog was begun a few days after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. I originally wrote it to relieve the pain I was feeling for all of the lives lost, and for the survivors. This is the finished piece, forgive the delay. 

First and foremost I am a mother, that means like every other mom & dad out there, I am grieving. Grieving for twenty children who will never graduate from high school or college, get married, have babies. My heart hurts for every parent who lost a child my prayers are with them. With that said I am also a patriot, that means I believe that the Constitution is the "Law of the Land" and should not be struck down because people choose tyranny over freedom.  

When are we going to stop talking about "GUN CONTROL" and begin to talk about the true underlying problem with the latest tragedy, and the rest of the mass shootings that have been in the news lately, "MENTAL HEALTH"? Last time I looked there is a question sections on most if not every gun permit/license form in the United States. The following questions are found on the OH Concealed Carry Weapons application*:

(13)  (a) Have you ever been adjudicated as mentally incompetent or mentally defective?
         (b) Have you ever been committed to a mental institution?
         (c) Have you ever been involuntarily committed to a mental hospital or facility for purposes             other than observation?
         (d) Have you ever been adjudicated as mentally defective (which includes having been adjudicated as: incompetent to manage your own affairs or ever been committed to a mental institution?

When are the powers that be going to understand that more "GUN CONTROL" only works when every illegal gun comes off the street? Chicago has the toughest "gun laws" in the country, yet they have the highest murder rate per capita of any city in the United States. I am NOT talking about the "justifiable homicides" in which a homeowner, business owner or person whom was being threatened by a "criminal", I am talking about the homicides that were committed with ILLEGAL FIREARMS. 

CRIMINALS DO NOT OBEY THEY LAW!!!! They obtain firearms from other criminals, shady dealers, or through thefts of homeowners and gun/pawn shops. The firearms the criminals obtain often have had the serial numbers ground of or have been obliterated by acid. The sellers DO NOT do background checks, wait three days, or sell trigger guards, barrel locks, lock boxes, or gun safes. They sell ILLEGALLY obtained weapons from the street corner, a trunk in a parking lot, someone's brother, uncle, aunt, sister, etc. The criminals also have someone rework many firearms to become automatic, which by the way every RESPONSIBLE firearm owner knows are illegal to obtain or own. Criminals have networks to dispose of  these "ILLEGAL FIREARMS" after they have been used in a crime.   

The U.S. Constitution is like the Ten Commandments....they ARE NOT suggestions. The are rules we all live by. The first is the law of  the land, the second is about personal responsibility. 

Owning a firearm comes with responsibility!!! It is the owner's responsibility to get training on the firearm he or she possesses; it is also the owner's responsibility to keep the firearm under lock and key, which includes a trigger lock and/or a lock box. While my good friends & family whom know me well, know I do not hunt, however they know how feel about my 2nd Amendment rights. 

Do NOT take 2nd Amendment rights away from the responsible gun owners because of a few who. Does it become a slippery slope to revoke other Amendments to the Constitution because they are not good for us?  
